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Lewis B. Banner, 1805-1883


Lewis Bitting Banner was born in 1805 in Surry County, North Carolina. In 1856, Lewis B. Banner, his wife Nancy Meadow Flipping, and their seven children moved to Watauga County, North Carolina where their eighth child was born. He bought two…

Letter of William T. Sherman to James M. Calhoun, E.E. Rawson, and S.C. Wells, September 12, 1864


Headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi, in the Field, Atlanta, Georgia, September 12, 1864. James M. Calhoun, Mayor, E.E. Rawson, S.C. Wells, representing City Council of Atlanta. Gentlemen, I have your letter of the 11th, in the nature…

Letter of William T. Sherman to Henry Halleck, December 24, 1864


Headquarters military Division of the Mississippi, In the Field, Savannah, Ga., December 24, 1864 Maj. Gen. H.W. Halleck, Chief of Staff, Washington City, D.C.: General: I had the pleasure to receive your two letters of the 16th and 18th…

Letter of William J. Hardee to William T. Sherman, December 17, 1864

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Headquarters Department South Carolina Georgia, and Florida, Savannah, Georgia, December 17, 1864. Major-General W.T. Sherman, commanding Federal Forces near Savannah, Georgia. General: I have to acknowledge the receipt of a communication from you…

Letter of Wade Hampton to William Sherman, February 27, 1865

General Wade Hampton of the Confederate Army


Maj.-Gen. W.T. Sherman, U.S. Army:

GENERAL: Your communication of the 24th inst. reached me to-day. In it you state that it has been officially reported that your foraging parties were "murdered"…

Letter of Martha Hendley Poteet to Francis Marion Poteet, June 16, 1864


June the 16 1864Dear husband I cant get no person to cut my wheat the men says that they dont know what will be don with the wheat for there aint men to cut it and if I dont get Mine cut me and the children will be bound to suffer I would like for…

Letter of Lily Logan to Thomas Logan, March 2, 1865

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Columbia, S.C. March 2nd, 1865 Charles Lamar returned the next day (Saturday) to keep off the soldiers and see that the Asylum was well guarded. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday we remained at the Asylum-days of pain and anxiety, and oh, nights of…

Letter from Zebulon Vance to William Graham, January 2, 1864

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Raleigh, January 2, 1864.

My Dear Sir: The final plunge which I have been dreading and avoiding—that is to separate me from a large number of my political friends, is about to be made. It is now a fixed policy of Mr. Holden and others to call a…

Letter from William Sherman to Sutton et. al., April 4, 1865


HDQRS Mil. Division of the Mississippi,
In The Field
April 4, 1865
Goldsboro, N.C.

Messrs. Sutton and others,
Moseley Hall, N.C.

I cannot undertake to supply horses or to encourage peaceful industry in North Carolina until the…

Letter from William Sherman to Ellen Sherman, April 9, 1865

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In the Field, Goldsboro, N. C,
April 9, 1865.

. . .. Tomorrow we move straight against Joe Johnston wherever he may be. Grant's magnificent victories about Petersburg, and his rapid pursuit of Lee's army makes it unnecessary for me to move…