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- Tags: Memory
Seth A. Frederiksen, "All Sides and All Stories Should be Taken into Account," April 29, 2012
It is tragic that the Civil War era is used to promote harmful divisions since it prevents us as a nation to gaining a full understanding of the war as it truly is: a complex, a layered crisis that involves much time and attention in order to gain a…
Tags: Civil War, Memory, Slavery/Slaves, State's Rights
Sean Hilliard, "The Confederate Flag," May 7, 2012
I have taken many classes in which the Civil War has either been briefly discussed or central to a class. Inevitably, when discussing the Civil War, the issues of the northern and southern pride make their respective appearances. One of the central…
Tags: Civil War, Confederate Flag, Memory, Racism
ROTC students view Civil War exhibit at NCSU, 1960
Tags: Commemoration, Memory
Rachel Huffman, "Plagued by Misinterpretation," May 10, 2012
The Civil War has been so plagued by misinterpretation that it has made the period an arduous time to study for historians. The first and most obvious way is how the causes of the Civil War have changed depending on the interpreter. For example,…
Tags: Civil War, Memory, Slavery/Slaves, States' Rights
North Carolina Museum of History Press Release, "Part Two of Civil War Exhibit Series Opens at NC Museum of History," November 11, 2012
Part Two of Civil War Exhibit Series Opens at NC Museum of History
In commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Civil War in North Carolina, the N.C. Museum of History in Raleigh is presenting a three-part exhibit series titled North Carolina…
Tags: Commemoration, Memory
Michael Moore, Exhibit panel in "From Real to Reel: The Making of Gone with the Wind," 2013
Racial Response In the early years of cinema, films were not only forms of entertainment, but they also served as a lens for how people perceived each other. In the 1930s African Americans were fighting for racial progress, and groups like the…
Tags: Commemoration, Memory
Michael Moore, Exhibit panel in "North Carolina in Crisis," 2013
North Carolina's Federal Soldiers Although North Carolina was a Confederate state, as many as 10,000 Tar Heels served in the state's four white Union regiments, and more than 5,000 blacks joined four African American Federal regiments. White…
Tags: Commemoration, Memory
Michael Moore, Exhibit panel in "North Carolina and the Civil War," 2013
1863: A Year of Carnage "Our N.C. troops behaved most nobly....My Brigade behaved magnificently and got cup up terribly." --Brigadier General William Dorsey Pender, May 7, 1863 The intensity of the battles that North Carolina soldiers fought in…
Tags: Commemoration, Memory
Michael Moore, Exhibit panel (2) in "Real to Reel," 2013
Gone with the Wind premiered at Loew's Grand Theatre in Atlanta on December 15, 1939. Two thousand guests were invited, including most of the main cast, southern dignitaries, and surviving Confederate soldiers. Leslie Howard returned to England at…
Tags: Commemoration, Memory
Michael Moore, Exhibit display in "North Carolina in Crisis," 2013
Tags: Commemoration, Memory
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David Blight, Race and Reunion (2001)

In his award-winning book, Race and Reunion, David Blight, a historian at Yale University, examines how Americans remembered the Civil War from the…