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- Tags: National Government
"Trent River Settlement," June 9, 1866
GENERAL STEEDMAN’S TOUR. Our artist, Mr. Davis, gives the following description of illustrations on page 361: “The Inspection Tour of Generals Steedman and Fullerton has certainly had one good result, the removal from authority of a…
"THE GREAT STRUGGLE," August 19, 1865
When Governor Holden, Provisional Gov-
ernor of the United States for the State of
North Carolina, says that he does not think
Union men will be “punished†in that State,
what does such an extraordinary expression
mean? When the Northern…
"Two Voices From North Carolina," June 3, 1865
Several gentlemen have come from North Carolina to Washington to confer with the Government upon the subject of the reorganization of that State. Among them is the Hon. W. W. Holden, who is understood to be a representative of the Union men at the…
Tags: Free Blacks, National Government
"Life in North Carolina: The Murder of Senator John W. Stephens -- A Terrible Scene -- Shall His Assassins Be Amnestied?," New York Times, February 26, 1873
Raleigh, N. C., Feb. 25 — …Mr. Bowman, Republican… related from the sworn evidence of one of the parties present the particulars of the murder of Senator John W. Stephens, of Caswell, which occurred in June, 1870; and that warrants had been…
Tags: National Government
"The Nebraska Question," February 1, 1854
In the Senate, on the 23d ult., Mr. DOUGLAS, from the Committee on Territories, reported a substitute for the bill which was brought forward by him a short time since for the organization of Nebraska territory. The leading features of the substitutes…
Amnesty Petition of R. L. Abernathy, July 13, 1865
Burke Co., N.C.,
July 13th, 1865
To His Excellency
Andrew Johnson
Tags: Amnesty, National Government, postwar
"Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction," May 29, 1865
Whereas the President of the United States, on the 8th day of December, A.D. eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and on the 26 day of March, A.D. eighteen hundred and sixty-four, did, with the object to suppress the existing rebellion, to induce all…
Tags: National Government
Amnesty Petition of William S. Bradshaw, June 30, 1865
[Page 1]:
"W. S. Bradshaw
Alamance County, NC
Pet. for Pardon
Officer & Post. Master
Received By:
W. R. Albright
W. A. Albright"
Executive Office W6
Raleigh, June 30, 1865.
I respectfully recommend that a pardon be granted in this case.…
Amnesty Petition of Thomas Bragg, August 15, 1865
"In and by the Proclamation of our Excellency of the 29th of May last certain classes of persons are specially excluded from the amnesty therein granted. Two of these exceptions may be supposed to apply to you petitioner. The fourth 'All who left…
Amnesty Petition of J. B. Carpenter, August 15, 1865
North Carolina
Rutherford County
To His Excellency Andrew Johnson President of the Unite States of America
The petition of J. B. Carpenter a resident of the County and State aforesaid, aged twenty seven years, last June and by occupation a…
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"Grand Democratic Rally," Raleigh News and Observer, May 13, 1898

On May 12, 1898, the Democratic Party of North Carolina held its first campaign rally in Laurinburg N.C. Following the procession of a band and…