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- Tags: North Carolina
Letter of William Sherman to Hugh Kilpatrick, March 7, 1865
HDQRS. Military Division of the Mississippi,
Camp on Fayetteville Road, Thirteen Miles from Cheraw,
In the Field, March 7, 1865.
General Kilpatrick,
Commanding Cavalry, Rockingham:
GENERAL: Yours of this date, 11 a.m., is just received. …
North Carolina and the Coming of the Civil War, William C. Harris
Tags: North Carolina, pre-war, Secession
Colonel Lewis D. Warner, "To Sneedsboro" (March 4, 1865)
I hope a better spirit will prevail. North Carolina has shown considerable Union sentiment during the war and I believe a proper course by our would cause the slumbering fire to burst into a flame, which could not be quenched.
Tags: Carolinas Campaign, Civil War, Home Front, North Carolina, occupation, Officers, South, union
"FROM FAYETTEVILLE," Wadesboro North Carolina Argus, March 30, 1865
From the Raleigh Conservative. FROM FAYETTEVILLE We have at length definite and reliable information that the Yankees have evacuated Fayetteville. “There are none of them left on the west side of the Cape Fear,” says a recent letter we…
Younce, W. H. "A civil war at home: Treatment of Unionists" (1901)
A civil war at home: Treatment of Unionists
W. H. Younce, The Adventures of a Conscript (Cincinnati: The Editor Pub. Co., 1901), pp. 57–62.
At home again.
Our purpose was to try to reach my father’s home that night, but about the middle…
Tags: Civil War, desertion, North Carolina
Zebulon Vance, "Vance's Proclamation Against Deserters" (1863)
Vance’s Proclamation. The “Hideous Mark” to be fixed on Cowards and Traitors to the Confederacy. THE FRIENDS OF THE UNION TO BE MADE INFAMOUS Woe to the Men who Refuse to Fight for the South. THE FATHER OR THE BROTHER WHO HARBORS OR…
Tags: Civil War, desertion, North Carolina
Theodore Upson, "The Girl I Left Behind Me" (March 24, 1865)
The people around here are very poor as a general thing but very kind and hospitable. There is none of the treachery we have found in other places. I was talking with an old man today; he has lost six sons in the Army. He says they did not want to go…
Tags: Carolinas Campaign, Civil War, Confederacy, Home Front, North Carolina, soldier, South, union
"National Politics," December 31, 1866
In a somewhat similar view of the case the New HavenJournal and Courier looks upon the bill as "an immediate result of the refusal of the Southern States to accept the proposed Constitutional Amendment." For, while Congress was willing last Summer to…
"Taken From the Record," October 5, 1880
GREENSBORO, Oct. 3.- If the terrible civil war, which cost this country so much of blood and of treasure, was not fought altogether in vain, if the Reconstruction acts and the amendments to the national Constitution are not entirely without force, it…
Drawing of hanging (1970-80)
"They hung my son by the limb of a tree"
Drawing of a Civil War deserter being hanged from a tree.
Tags: Civil War, desertion, North Carolina
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"Grand Democratic Rally," Raleigh News and Observer, May 13, 1898
On May 12, 1898, the Democratic Party of North Carolina held its first campaign rally in Laurinburg N.C. Following the procession of a band and…