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  • Tags: Race relations

David Brown, "Attacking Slavery from Within" (2004)


Just weeks after the incident in Baltimore, a fellow North Carolinian was also attacked for his abolitionist stance. Benjamin Sherwood Hedrick, born and raised near Salisbury, was dismissed from his fac ulty post at the University of North Carolina…

R.W. Reising, "Literary Depictions of Henry Berry Lowry: Mythic, Romantic, and Tragic" (1992)

Henry Berry Lowry is central to the culture of the Lumbee Indians, the largest body of Native Americans east of the Mississippi River. In virtually all studies of the tribe, the outlaw who mysteriously disappeared in 1872 garnerse laboratem ention.…

"Shall I Trust these Men, and Not this Man?", August 5, 1865

Shall I trust these men....png
During the latter part of the Civil War, the Union formulated a policy that would allow for the enlistment of African Americans, many former enslaved men from the South, to enlist and become soldiers fighting on behalf of the Union. Once the Civil…

"Negro Troops in the Civil War", 1887

Colored Troops in the Civil War.jpg

At a moment when the bitterness of race prejudice is
shown in the recent school controversies in Kansas, Indi-
ana, and Ohio, reminding us of the old Free States that we
cannot consistently reproach our brethren of the old Slave
States with…

"Nineteen Negroes Shot to Death," New York Times, November 11, 1898

Nineteen Negroes Shot to Death Wilmington Fatal Race Riots in north Carolina. Vengeance of White Citizens Negro Publisher's Plant Destroyed by Indignant Men. New City Government Formed by the People of Wilmington, and Steps Taken to Restore…

"Whale Them With Sticks," Raleigh News and Observer, June 27, 1900

Whale Them With Sticks.jpg

"Whom the Gods would destroy they first make mad." From the incendiary utterance of Butler before the Populist State committee and the threat of assassination voiced by Blackburn at Newton, down to the attempt by Lt. Gov. Reynolds, to scare…

Charles F. Irons, "Hiding Sin behind Virtue is Bad History," Burlington Times-News, October 5, 2006


The Sons of Confederate Veterans--in their published literature, in the pages of this newspaper, and at the fictional "Battle of Zachary Hill" held in Snow Camp three weeks ago--have argued that the Civil War was not primarily about slavery. They…

"The Wilmington Race Riot of 1898." Colonel Thomas W. Clawson August 24, 1898

This document was written to justify the events in Wilmington NC. Colonel Clawson repeats a newspaper article written on August 18, 1898 by Alfred Manly, editor of the Daily Record. The article is in response to Mrs. Fellow’s speech at the…

Testimony of Edwin A. Hull, June 26, 1871.

EDWIN A. HULL—sworn and examined by the CHAIRMAN: Question: Are you the foreman employed by Mr. Howle, on the railroad in North Carolina, in April last? Answer: Yes, sir. Question: State what knowledge you have of a visit by men in disguise;…