Browse Items (20 total)
- Tags: Veterans
Amnesty Petition of Robert Vance, July 1865
Tags: Amnesty, Military Authority, Officers, Veterans
Amnesty Petition of Samuel S. Gregory, August 22, 1865
His Excellency
Andrew Johnson
President of the United States
Your petitioner Saml S. Gregory a native and resident of Sampson County, and the State of North Carolina, respectfully [showeth?] unto your Excellency, that he received an appointment…
Amnesty Petition of Theophelius H. Holmes, June 6, 1865
Tags: Amnesty, Military Authority, Officers, Veterans
Amnesty Petition of Thomas G. Walton, July 13, 1865
Tags: Amnesty, Military Authority, Officers, Veterans
Amnesty Petition of W.G. Lewis, June 20, 1865
Tags: Amnesty, Military Authority, Officers, Veterans
Amnesty Petition of William McRae, July 28, 1865
Tags: Amnesty, Military Authority, Officers, Veterans
Amnesty Petition of William P. Roberts, August 26, 1865
Tags: Amnesty, Military Authority, Officers, Veterans
Amnesty Petition of William S. Bradshaw, June 30, 1865
[Page 1]:
"W. S. Bradshaw
Alamance County, NC
Pet. for Pardon
Officer & Post. Master
Received By:
W. R. Albright
W. A. Albright"
Executive Office W6
Raleigh, June 30, 1865.
I respectfully recommend that a pardon be granted in this case.…
Ansley Herring Wegner, Phantom Pain (2004)
North Carolina rapidly responded to the needs of its Confederate amputees. The General Assembly passed a resolution of January 23, 1866, asking Gov. Jonathan Worth "to make a contract with some manufacturer of artificial limbs to supply the need of…
Tags: Medicine/Hospitals, Veterans
Grave of William Jones at Salisbury National Cemetery
Tags: Cemetery, Salisbury, Spanish American War, Veterans
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Daniel Lindsay Russell, Jr., 1845-1908
Daniel Russell, a former Confederate soldier, became disillusioned by Southern leadership during the Civil War and joined the Republican Party in…