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  • Tags: W.W. Holden

"A Proclamation by His Excellency, the Governor of North Carolina," October 12, 1868


"The flag of the United States waves for the protection of all. Every star upon it shines down with vital fire into every spot, howsoever remote or solitary, to consume those who may resist the authority of the government, or who oppress the…

Letter from William Woods Holden to Honor. R.M. Pearson, July 26, 1870

Raleigh, July 26, 1870.

To the HON. R. M. PEARSON,
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of N. C.:

"SIR: - I have had the hour to receive, by the hands of the Marshal of the Supreme Court, a copy of your opinion in the…

"The North Carolina Troubles," August 20, 1870

Therehas been in certain quarters, noto-rious for sympathy with the late rebels and re-bellion, such a vehement denunciation of Gov-ernorHolden, of North Carolina, as a pecul-iarly malignant “satrap,” who was wagingfiendish war upon…

"The Legislature, April 7, 1871"

The General Assembly of the State adjourned on yesterday until the first Monday in November next. The merits of Legislative bodies are to be measured, as much by what they may have undone and omitted to do, as by what they many have done. Gauged by…

"Lawlessness in North Carolina-Its Democratic Apologists," June 10, 1870

the new york times.pdf

The murders and outrages which have called forth the proclamation of the Governor of North Carolina, are made by the World a pretext for arraigning the policy of reconstruction. Its censure is directed, not against the cowardly ruffians who are the…

Argument in the impeachment trial of W.W. Holden, governor of North Carolina, February 23, 1871

Returning to the evidence we propose to offer, it will, we believe, satisfy the minds of the court, that there existed secret associations in the counties of Alamance and Caswell, having a common purpose and design to subvert the laws by threats,…