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  • Tags: Womanhood

The Reconstruction of White Southern Womanhood 1865-1895


Although the imagery of belledom looms especially large in writings about the Antebellum South, the actual ideal for women even then had been much more complex and divided. Through the early part of the nineteenth century, the celebration of the…

Letter from Mary A. Windsor to Zebulon Baird Vance, February 1, 1865

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Reidsville NC Feb. the 1st 1865
Gov Vance Honored Sir,
Permit me the pleasure of communicating to you a few of my thoughts by way of letter and of asking a great favor of you that is concerning my dear and beloved husband who has been gone from…

Diary of Elizabeth Collier, April 20, 1865

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April 20, 1865

We have lived in such a state of excitement for the past month that I have not had the time to write any thing which occurred but to begin at this late day—After the evacuation of Goldsboro—we were in constant expectation of the…

Cornelia Spencer, "The Last Ninety Days of the War In North Carolina" (1866)


The town of Goldsboro was occupied by General Schofield's army on the twenty-first of…

Letter from Catherine Carson to Zebulon Baird Vance, July 8, 1864

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Buck Creek July 8th 1864
Governor Vance
Dear Sir,
I take the liberty of asking you whether you can not process my son’s discharge from the army that he may come home to protect me and his sister.
Since the late raid on Camp Vance there are…

Letter from R. M. Roark to Zebulon Baird Vance, September, 1863

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R. M. Roark wrote the Governor in September 1863 from Cleveland County about thousand dollar donation from the young women of the county raised. The money was raised in 1862 though tableaux performances. The women wanted the money to go to the…

Letter from Ladies of Cleveland County NC to Zebulon Baird Vance, September, 1863

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To your excellency Z. B. Vance Governor of the state of North Carolina
To do Hospitality make known to your excellency that we [apistice] in the expenses of the above named [tabnaut] and the expenses and that most Mary Woodward was fulfilling of…

Letter from Mary Woodward to Zebulon Baird Vance, September, 1863

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This letter was from Mary Woodward approving the donation from the women of Cleveland County. The letter is the third in a series of corresponds to the Governor about the donation of money for families of Cleveland County soldiers. This letter is…