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  • Tags: patriotism

Summary Report, Claim of William Britton, June 11 1872


The claimant was 18 years of age when the war ended. He does not prove his loyalty although old enough for a soldier- testifies for himself, but does not ever say his sympathies- were with the union cause- He claims under his grandfather's will, who…

Southern Claims Commission Testimony for George Bond, Deposition of Joshua T. Stacy

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Page 18 of George Bond's claim to the Southern Claims Comission, in which Joshua T. Stacy discusses Mr. Bond's unionism.

Southern Claims Commission remarks on the claim of Ellerton Newberne.

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Claim of Ellerton Newberne, listing his siezed schooner, impressed into rebel service to ferry supplies. It also discusses his leaving Bertie county due to harassment.

Southern Claims Commission Chart 2 Barred and Disallowed

A chart showing all of the barred and disallowed claims for the Chowan River Basin.

Robert G. Mitchell's claim Witness Form

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Page Five of Robert G. Mitchell's rejected claim to the Southern Claim's Commission. This page is the form listing the names and residences of the witnesses he can bring to prove his loyalty.

Letter of Members of All Companies, Third North Carolina Infantry, U.S.V. to Secretary of War, October 5, 1898


Secretary of War,
Washington, D.C.

Dear Sir:
We the undersigned many soldiers, heard that you had been instructed that we wanted to stay in service, as garrison duty, but, my dear sir, we are now pleading with mercy and deny any such…

Letter from Nellie Worth to Cousin Pattie, March 21, 1865

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There was no officer with the first men that came, and our drooping spirits were revived about one o’clock by the sight of a Yankie officer. He came in the house and introduced himself as Lt. Bracht, Mamma and I immediately appealed to him for…

Judkin Browning, Shifting Loyalties (2011)


Union forces marched into New Bern on March 14, 1862, and Beaufort on the twenty-fifth, marking the beginning of a military occupation that would last the rest of the war. With Union occupation came thousands of Federal soldiers, government…


James McPherson, What They Fought For (1994)

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This conviction that they fought for their homes and women gave many Confederate soldiers remarkable staying power in the face of adversity. "My dear be a brave woman to the last," wrote a Shenandoah Valley farmer serving in the 10th Cavalry to his…

Gary Gallagher, The Union War (2011)

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It has become a commonplace that the war changed how Americans thought of their country. During the antebellum years, most people said “the United States are . . .” After the war, however, they said “The United States is . .…