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The Heart of Confederate Appalachia


That message may indeed have served as a deterrent for at least some North Carolina soldiers. John W. Reese, a poor Buncombe County farmer who was not among those who abandoned the 60th Regiment, for example, told his wife, who was urging him to come…

Bushwhackers: The Mountains


If early enthusiasm for the Confederate cause had been remarkably widespread in the western counties of North Carolina, it proved to be thin indeed after a few months of real fighting. There were individual desertions early on, of course; some young…

The Civil War in North Carolina: Soldiers and Civilians letters and diaries, 1861-1865


I understand the people of Wilkes are baldy whipped and willing for our patriotic old State to return to the pretended Union, and claim Abraham Lincoln as their chief magistrate. I have also been told that the country was full of deserters and no…