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Zebulon Baird Vance to William A. Graham, August 13, 1863

item2776 -1.jpg

ZBV to William A. Graham Confidential State of North-Carolina Executive Department, Raleigh, August 13th. 1863. My Dear Sir: I beg to call your attention to the proceedings of many meetings in various parts of the state, in favour of peace--Under…

Zebulon Baird Vance to Jefferson Davis, December 30, 1863

item2778 -1.jpg

ZBV to Jefferson Davis

State of North Carolina
Executive Department
Raleigh, Dec. 30th. 1863

His Excellency
President Davis

My dear Sir:
After a careful consideration of all the sources of discontent in North Carolina, I have…

Stoneman's Raid in Surry County, April 1865

This map depicts the path of Major General George Stoneman's cavalry raid through Surry County, North Carolina. Some of the locations are approximations.