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"Execution of John Brown," Raleigh Register, December 3, 1859


"Execution of John Brown," Raleigh Register, December 3, 1859


Raleigh Register


"Execution of John Brown," Raleigh Register, December 3, 1859, Secession Era Editorials Project, accessed December 13, 2011,






Raleigh, North Carolina
Wake County, North Carolina

Original Format

Newspaper Article


The chances are ninty-nine in a hundred, that before this paper reaches our subscribers John Brown will have paid the penalty of his crimes on the gallows, and gone to render an account of his life to that Being who says "thou shalt do no murder."

While we have not the slightest fear that any attempt has been made to rescue Old Brown, we are not without painful apprehensions that among such a large body of inexperienced and excited soldiery, mischief has happened from the incautious use of fire arms.

It is to be hoped, with Brown's exit from the world, the excitement at the North will subside. But we must confess that this hope is but of the faintest character. Fanaticism at the North is rampant, and overrides every thing. On yesterday, the godly city of Boston, built up and sustained by the products of negro slave labor, went into mourning, fasting and prayer, over the condign punishment of a negro stealer, murderer and traitor, and from fifty pulpits the Praise-God-Bare-bones belched forth volumes of blasphemy and treason.

In all the Noo England towns and villages, we may expect to hear that mock funerals have been celebrated, and all kinds of nonsensically lugubrious displays made. (It is a pity that they haven't a witch or two to drown or burn, by way of variety.) We hope that Gov. Wise will have the gallows on which Brown was hung burned, and give notice of the fact. Our reasons for this wish is this: The Yankees have no objection to mingling money making with their grief, and they will, unless Brown's gallows is known to have been burned, set to work and make all kinds of jimcracks and notions out of what they will call parts of Old John Brown's gallows and, sell them. Let the rope which choked him, too, be burned and the fact advertised, or we shall see vast quantities of breast pins, lockets and bracelets, containing bits of the "rope which hung Old Brown" for sale. Barnum is already in the market for Old Brown's old clothes, and hopes and expects to make as good a speculation out of them as he did out of his Woolly Horse, and Joyce Heth, "Washington's nurse."


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Raleigh Register, "Execution of John Brown," Raleigh Register, December 3, 1859, Civil War Era NC, accessed February 12, 2025,