Summary Report, 1874, Disallowed Claim of Austin and William Bryan
Summary Report, 1874, Disallowed Claim of Austin and William Bryan
Remarks given by the Southern Claims Commissioner in response to the disallowed claim of Austin and William Bryan. These men were ex-slaves, and their claim was disallowed for failure to prove ownership of the property for which they were requesting reimbursement.
Commissioner of Southern Claims
Austin and William Bryan (Chatham Co., North Carolina) claim, no. 11312. Barred and Disallowed Case Files, Southern Claims Commission, 1871-1880. Records of the House of Representatives, Record Group 233. National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.
King, Stefanie
Chatham County, NC
Original Format
"The claimants were slaves of one Elias Bryan- They now live on his land-
1. Items 1. We can not allow for tobacco.
2. It is rather remarkable that the slaves should have $50 in gold & silver- a gold watch and five broadcloth wearing apparel. It looks like a fraud. Especially when the master testifies, uses language in a way that can be interpreted to mean that they owned the property & yet seems carefully to avoid a direct statement that they did own this property-
It is also obvious that the taking was mere pillage and lawless predation.
There is nothing that we could allow in any event but the barrel of flour & under the circumstances we must treat that like the rest of the property taken- as taken -
Claim rejected.-"
1. Items 1. We can not allow for tobacco.
2. It is rather remarkable that the slaves should have $50 in gold & silver- a gold watch and five broadcloth wearing apparel. It looks like a fraud. Especially when the master testifies, uses language in a way that can be interpreted to mean that they owned the property & yet seems carefully to avoid a direct statement that they did own this property-
It is also obvious that the taking was mere pillage and lawless predation.
There is nothing that we could allow in any event but the barrel of flour & under the circumstances we must treat that like the rest of the property taken- as taken -
Claim rejected.-"
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Commissioner of Southern Claims, Summary Report, 1874, Disallowed Claim of Austin and William Bryan, Civil War Era NC, accessed March 13, 2025,