Christian validated depictions of African Americans Albion Tourgee's Analysis of Perceptions of African Americans in the Civil War and Reconstruction Eras IntroductionTourgee's backgroundAfrican Americans as unfit for holding civil rightsAfrican Americans Incapable of Testifying in CourtAfrican American Enfranchisement as a way to degrade SouthRestricted African American VotingAssumption that freedmen needed suffrage only to achieve successDownfalls of Emancipation Proclamation In Not Granting RightsAfrican Americans as an inherently subordinate raceUtmost Superiority of White SouthernersManifestations of Southern SuperiorityTourgee's Argument about status of African AmericansChristian validated depictions of African AmericansProcess through which Christianity came to condone U.S. slaverySlavery as Innate to ChristianityChristianity as Northern Motivation to Aid African American AdvancementConclusionReferencesQuestionsPrint ← Tourgee's Argument about status of African Americans Process through which Christianity came to condone U.S. slavery → Christian validated depictions of African Americans