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  • Collection: Wartime North Carolina

Never Give Up

This article essentially called for all men of the south to sacrifice all they have to protect their homes and avoid humiliation.

"A Call For Volunteers," January 22, 1862

This article offered news on a new regiment of volunteers. The reader was assured that this particular regiment would serve the Confederacy honorably.

"The Conscription," July 23, 1862

This article highlighted the fact that the burden of conscription laws fell most heavily on the poor, who were also the ones that needed to stay home to work the most. It ends by calling on the wealthy to help provide for the families left behind by…

"Military Conscription," April 16, 1862

This article was published the day Jefferson Davis signed the Conscription Acts. It explained what conscription meant to the citizens of the South and highlighted the fact that it was both unconstitutional and against the principles of the…

"The New Military Bill," April 16, 1862

This short article briefly mentions the passing of the Conscription Act through the Confederate Senate, and that it was expected to pass through the House of Representatives with the provisions suggested by Jefferson Davis.

"List of Absent Without Leave From 6th N.C. Troops," November 5, 1862

This is a list provided by the Weekly Raleigh Register that lists a considerable number of troops who had been reported as absent from their ranks. Its printing probably was intended to shame the soldiers into rejoining their companies, or to…

"Attacks on the People's Candidate," June 25, 1862

This article defended Zebulon Vance as a candidate for governor in the 1862 election.

Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle April 13, 1862


The following letter was printed in the April 13, 1863, issue of the Spirit of the Age.

Deteriorating Influences of War. No. I

This important topic justly claims the attention of all good men and women; for it has a direct bearing upon the…
