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  • Tags: union

Colonel Lewis D. Warner, "To Sneedsboro" (March 4, 1865)

I hope a better spirit will prevail. North Carolina has shown considerable Union sentiment during the war and I believe a proper course by our would cause the slumbering fire to burst into a flame, which could not be quenched.

"National Politics," December 31, 1866


In a somewhat similar view of the case the New HavenJournal and Courier looks upon the bill as "an immediate result of the refusal of the Southern States to accept the proposed Constitutional Amendment." For, while Congress was willing last Summer to…

Zebulon Baird Vance to Edward Stanly, October 29, 1862

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To Edward Stanly STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT Raleigh- Oct. 29th, 1862 Your communication of the 21st. inst. has been recd, to which I proceed to reply- It is "incompatible with my views of duty" to grant you a personal…