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Martha Hendley Poteet, Letter to Francis Marion Poteet (Jan. 7, 1864)


Martha Hendley Poteet, Letter to Francis Marion Poteet (Jan. 7, 1864)


Encapsulated letter. Martha tells Francis that she and the children have been sick. She has also had problems with the neighbors since he went back to his company. Mr. Walker and Jonathan killed her hogs and Bill Cowen came on Tuesday to tell her to move out as soon as she can. She is trying to locate and collect all the sheep and cows. The weather has been very cold. Perry Walker is claiming that Francis took Wash's gloves and blanket. She wants him to ask his Captain if she can be thrown out of her house and wants to know what the company plans to do to punish her husband for coming home without a furlough. She needs help with her work and wishes he would come home again.


Poteet, Martha Hendley


Poteet, Martha Hendley "Letter to Francis Marion Poteet, Jan. 7, 1864" North Carolina Digital Collections. Web. 30, Apr. 2012





Original Format



My Dear husband I now seat my self to write you a few lines to let you know we are not well the children is sick with bad colds and I haint seen a well day since you left I have had a very bad head ache ever sens last Sunday but I do hope and pray this will find you in good health the Raleigh gard never come back no moor I wish you could hav staid with me Mr Walker and Johnathan kiled my hogs the day after you left I cant get the William house he is a going to move to it and I dont know what to do Bill Cowen come hear a teusday and told me to get out as soon as I could and what I am to do I dont know one of the sheep is at Baty Grasons I hav got one at home and I got the cows home last teusday Thomas found them at Johnathan Taylors you thought it was cold when you was hear but it was nothing the 1 & 2 days of this Month was the coldest I ever felt and it much warmer yet I dont believe we hav had but two clear days sins you left Pery Walker sed you had Washs gloves blanket and to send them to him I want you to tell him if he was as willing for other people to hav there oune as he was for Wash to hav his I would got my ring in the place of some one els he talked like you had stold the Blanket and gloves I want you to talk to the captain and know if they cant put me out if they cant I wont leav you can tell him how it is if I hav to moove I will sell the Mar and Cows and live while the corn and meat last for I dont see how I am to get along with no one to help me I hav to pay tax on the cows I want to know what they don with you for runing away the men about hear says you will hav to come home in Companys before peace will be mad and they say they wish you all would come and says if the war dont stop the people will perish they are enroling them from 18 to 55 and what are we to do if you all dont come home O my dear husband you dont know how lonsom I am sins you left I dread to see Night come O I do hope and pray that the Lord will spar our lives to see each other in peace Once moor O Lord be with my dear husband and bless him for I cant be with him O Francis it dos seem like it will kill me to be parted from you with no one to protect me and your little helpless children I pray the Lord to save your sole and body fom harm if I never see you no moor I want you to write soon I am so cold I must quit May the Lord bless and save you is my prayer for Christ sake Martha A. E. Poteet to my loving husband Francis M. Poteet farwell my love till we meet again


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Poteet, Martha Hendley, Martha Hendley Poteet, Letter to Francis Marion Poteet (Jan. 7, 1864), Civil War Era NC, accessed January 13, 2025,