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Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle, May 30, 1862


Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle, May 30, 1862


This is a letter Joseph Hoyle wrote to his wife in late May 1862 in response to one that she had written him. In this letter Joseph Hoyle talked about his love for his wife and how they must have faith in God, for having faith and praying means prayers will be answered. He told his wife that if they do not meet again in present life they will meet again. Joseph Hoyle also told his wife about regimental prayer and what has been happening lately in camp.


Hoyle, Joseph J.


Jeffrey M. Girvan, ed., Deliver Us from this Cruel War: The Civil War Letters of Lieutenant Joseph J. Hoyle, 55th North Carolina Infantry (Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Company, 2010), 54-55.




Rodgers, Keely




Wake County, North Carolina

Original Format



Camp Mangum near Raleigh
May 30th, 1862

My Dear Wife:
I grasp my pen this morning to drop you a few lines. I am tolerably well, and I hope these lines may find you well. I received your kind letter through Mr. Brindle, and I read it with much interest. You con not imagine what emotions heaved in my breast on reading your devoted letter. I do thank the Lord for giving me such a good wife. And I can safely say that I never knew what it was to be separated from a loving wife before. Yes, dear Sarah, I would give all I possess in this world to get to come back and live with you again. But such is the decree of this cruel war that we must be separated for a while, though I hope we will be permitted to enjoy each others company again in this world, yet if these hopes be frustrated, let us look forward to a time when we will enjoy each others love in a brighter world than this, and, thank God, there will be no parting there.

I think of you a great deal, and often I feel the tears running fast down my cheeks. I feel that your affectionate heart is near mine and though you are many miles away, yet I can feel your love. Oh that the Good Lord may take care of you. Love him with all your heart and pray to him to take care of your loving husban. I pray for you much. The Lord has promised to answer faithful prayer, than let us take courage, and pray with faithful hearts and the Lord will hear us. We fare as well here as soldiers could expect.

We have a tolerable civil company, the civilest, I believe, in the regiment. We have prayer in two or three of our tents every night, and regimental prayer every morning and evening. The mode of regimental prayer is as follows; the whole regiment is drawn up in three sides of a square, each man then places his right hand under his left elbow and raises his hat with the left hand, the minister then stands in the open side of the square, and pronounces the prayer. I will come home at the time of the quarterly meeting at Bethlehem, if I can get off, But I fear I can not get off; for orders have been read that no more furloughs will be granted. This is hard, but we have to abide by it. I have no important news. A great battle is expected at Richmond every day. They have moved a great deal of property from Richmond to Raleigh. President Davis has sent his family to Raleigh. I do fervently pray that the war may be speedily brought to a close. We sent you and your mother some soda; and I sent you some candy. I received a letter from Lemuel the other day. He is well; he wants to come to our company. But I must close. Write often. Your loving husban till death.

J.J. Hoyle
Co. F. 55 Regt N.C. Troops.
Care Capt Mull


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Hoyle, Joseph J., Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle, May 30, 1862, Civil War Era NC, accessed March 12, 2025,