Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle, July 25, 1863
Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle, July 25, 1863
Joseph Hoyle wrote to his wife to notify her of his new location near Culpeper. He told her how exhausted he and the men were from nearly two months of marching and fighting. He also told her that everyone was even more sick of the war and he was worried that men would start to run away. He then told her how he wanted the pants and jacket she was going to make for him. He then closed by stating how he had not received any letters from here lately.
Hoyle, Joseph J.
Jeffrey M. Girvan, ed., Deliver Us from this Cruel War: The Civil War Letters of Lieutenant Joseph J. Hoyle, 55th North Carolina Infantry (Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Company, 2010), 53-54
Rodgers, Keely
Culpeper, Virginia
Original Format
Near Culpeper,
July, 25th 1863.
My Dear wife:
I have the opportunity of dropping you a few lines this evening, informing you that I am not very well. I have been unwell since we left Winchester, and the march has set very hard upon me, but I have held up to come through. We arrived in the vicinity of Culpeper this morning, and pitched camp. I cannot tell how long we will stay here, though I hope we will get to rest awhile, for we all need it very much. We have been now nearly two months since we left Blackwater, and we have been marching or fighting nearly the whole time. We have seen a hard time of it, if any body ever did. Every body is sicker of the war than they ever was before, and I fear many will run away. I do pray the war will close before long for why should we continue to kill up each other. If Capt. Mull gets home, he will bring my cloth and I want you to make me a pair of pants and a jacket out of it. You will have to guess at the fit as best you can. I do not want the jacket collar mad to turn back. I want it military fashion. Dr. Osborn, I guess can tell you how that fashion is. Capt has buttons for it. I have 2 yards of the cloth. May be you will have a chance to see Capt. Mull's jacket, and then you will knowhow to make it. I have received no late letter from you but I know it is not your fault. Dear Sarah I will close for the present, as I do not feel like writing. I will write you again in a few days. I remain, as ever, yours in hope & love.
Mrs. S. A. Hoyle Give my love to all.
I have no stamps nor change, so you will have to pay the postage.
July, 25th 1863.
My Dear wife:
I have the opportunity of dropping you a few lines this evening, informing you that I am not very well. I have been unwell since we left Winchester, and the march has set very hard upon me, but I have held up to come through. We arrived in the vicinity of Culpeper this morning, and pitched camp. I cannot tell how long we will stay here, though I hope we will get to rest awhile, for we all need it very much. We have been now nearly two months since we left Blackwater, and we have been marching or fighting nearly the whole time. We have seen a hard time of it, if any body ever did. Every body is sicker of the war than they ever was before, and I fear many will run away. I do pray the war will close before long for why should we continue to kill up each other. If Capt. Mull gets home, he will bring my cloth and I want you to make me a pair of pants and a jacket out of it. You will have to guess at the fit as best you can. I do not want the jacket collar mad to turn back. I want it military fashion. Dr. Osborn, I guess can tell you how that fashion is. Capt has buttons for it. I have 2 yards of the cloth. May be you will have a chance to see Capt. Mull's jacket, and then you will knowhow to make it. I have received no late letter from you but I know it is not your fault. Dear Sarah I will close for the present, as I do not feel like writing. I will write you again in a few days. I remain, as ever, yours in hope & love.
Mrs. S. A. Hoyle Give my love to all.
I have no stamps nor change, so you will have to pay the postage.
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Hoyle, Joseph J., Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle, July 25, 1863, Civil War Era NC, accessed February 15, 2025, https://cwnc.omeka.chass.ncsu.edu/items/show/690.