Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle, October 21, 1863
Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle, October 21, 1863
Joseph Hoyle wrote to his wife telling her of his company's latest movements. He expressed how he and the men felt as if their Captain was not coming back since he had been gone for five months. He asked for her to tell her brother Rufus to come back as soon as he can. He also asked for her to send him another pair of pants and his over coat. He told Sarah that there wasn't a chance for him to get a furlough, especially with the Captain gone.
Hoyle, Joseph J.
Jeffrey M. Girvan, ed., Deliver Us from this Cruel War: The Civil War Letters of Lieutenant Joseph J. Hoyle, 55th North Carolina Infantry (Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Company, 2010), 147-148
Rodgers, Keely
Rappahannock River, Virginia
Original Format
Rappahannock River, Va.
Wednesday, Oct 21st, 1863
My Dear wife. [Mrs. J.J. Hoyle, Knob Creek, N. C.]
I take the opportunity of dropping you a few more lines. Nothing of interest has occurred among us since I lat wrote you. We crossed the Rappahannock last monday, and have been in camp a few miles on this side (west) since then. I do not think we will stay here long, it is thought we will fall back across the Rapidan where we started from. I had thought that Capt Mull would have been here till now, but I received a letter from him yesturday, stating that he would not be here till the first of next month, and we all are thinking that he is not coming back at all. He has now been absent from the company near five months. The men have lost confidence in him. Tell Rufus I want to see him come back very much, and I hope he will come as soon as his hand will admit. I want you to send me another pair of pants besides my uniform ones, for I am just about out of pants. Also I want you to send my over coat if it is worth sending. I forget whether it is worn out or not. There is no chance for me to get a furlough till Capt Mull comes back, if then. Dear Sarah, with the help of God's grace, let us bear up under these trying scenes, and hope for a better day in the future. I see Wm. B. Hoyle almost every day, he is well. As ever, yours in hope and love.
My own dear Sarah, Though many mile separate us, our hearts are bound together for life and eternity. True, I have sworn ever to be Thine.
Wednesday, Oct 21st, 1863
My Dear wife. [Mrs. J.J. Hoyle, Knob Creek, N. C.]
I take the opportunity of dropping you a few more lines. Nothing of interest has occurred among us since I lat wrote you. We crossed the Rappahannock last monday, and have been in camp a few miles on this side (west) since then. I do not think we will stay here long, it is thought we will fall back across the Rapidan where we started from. I had thought that Capt Mull would have been here till now, but I received a letter from him yesturday, stating that he would not be here till the first of next month, and we all are thinking that he is not coming back at all. He has now been absent from the company near five months. The men have lost confidence in him. Tell Rufus I want to see him come back very much, and I hope he will come as soon as his hand will admit. I want you to send me another pair of pants besides my uniform ones, for I am just about out of pants. Also I want you to send my over coat if it is worth sending. I forget whether it is worn out or not. There is no chance for me to get a furlough till Capt Mull comes back, if then. Dear Sarah, with the help of God's grace, let us bear up under these trying scenes, and hope for a better day in the future. I see Wm. B. Hoyle almost every day, he is well. As ever, yours in hope and love.
My own dear Sarah, Though many mile separate us, our hearts are bound together for life and eternity. True, I have sworn ever to be Thine.
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Hoyle, Joseph J., Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle, October 21, 1863, Civil War Era NC, accessed March 1, 2025, https://cwnc.omeka.chass.ncsu.edu/items/show/694.