Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle, December 31, 1862
Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle, December 31, 1862
In this letter Joseph Hoyle wrote to his wife stating that he had not received any letters from her since the regiment left Knob Creek. He also stated that the last letter he had from her said she would come visit him that week and that he was anxiously waiting for her. He also told her about how he would be going in front of a board the next day to see if he would be promoted to 1st Lieutenant. He ended the letter telling Sarah how much he was looking forward to seeing her.
Hoyle, Joseph J.
Jeffrey M. Girvan, ed., Deliver Us from this Cruel War: The Civil War Letters of Lieutenant Joseph J. Hoyle, 55th North Carolina Infantry (Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Company, 2010), 90.
Rodgers, Keely
Petersburg, Virginia
Original Format
Petersburg, Va.
Dec. 31st 62
Dear Sarah:
I have only time to write you a few lines; for it is now bed time, but I would rob myself of a little sleep any time, to write to my dear Sarah. I have received no letter from you since Carpenter came. We have received no letters from Knob Creek for the last two weeks. I am getting very eager to hear from you, but I know it is not your falt. You wrote you would come out here this week, and I am anxiously looking for you, and I hope you will be here ere this reaches you. There is said to be some cases of small-pox in the hospital at Petersburg, but narry other case has occurred in the regiment. All remains quiet about here. Some hard fighting has been going on in the West, but I guess you know as much about it as I do. If you get this befor you come, I want you to send me the things I wrote for as soon as you can. Robt Hick is come home to get clothing for the company. I would have come if it had not been for being examined. I have to go befor the military board to-morrow. If I pass the board, I will get the appointment of 1st Lieut. in our company. If I get justice, I have no fear but what I will pass the board. I will have to quit for this time. Dear Sarah, it seems like I want to see you more every day. I will feel so happy when I can get to grasp your dear little hand again. Good night. I hope we will come near together in some sweet dream tonight. As ever, your loving husban,
J. J. Hoyle
Dec. 31st 62
Dear Sarah:
I have only time to write you a few lines; for it is now bed time, but I would rob myself of a little sleep any time, to write to my dear Sarah. I have received no letter from you since Carpenter came. We have received no letters from Knob Creek for the last two weeks. I am getting very eager to hear from you, but I know it is not your falt. You wrote you would come out here this week, and I am anxiously looking for you, and I hope you will be here ere this reaches you. There is said to be some cases of small-pox in the hospital at Petersburg, but narry other case has occurred in the regiment. All remains quiet about here. Some hard fighting has been going on in the West, but I guess you know as much about it as I do. If you get this befor you come, I want you to send me the things I wrote for as soon as you can. Robt Hick is come home to get clothing for the company. I would have come if it had not been for being examined. I have to go befor the military board to-morrow. If I pass the board, I will get the appointment of 1st Lieut. in our company. If I get justice, I have no fear but what I will pass the board. I will have to quit for this time. Dear Sarah, it seems like I want to see you more every day. I will feel so happy when I can get to grasp your dear little hand again. Good night. I hope we will come near together in some sweet dream tonight. As ever, your loving husban,
J. J. Hoyle
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Hoyle, Joseph J., Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle, December 31, 1862, Civil War Era NC, accessed March 7, 2025, https://cwnc.omeka.chass.ncsu.edu/items/show/697.