Summary Report, 1872, Disallowed Claim of Crawford Stevens
Summary Report, 1872, Disallowed Claim of Crawford Stevens
The remarks given by the Southern Claims Commission in response to the disallowed claim of Crawford Stevens. This claim was disallowed because the claimant was unable to prove his loyalty to the Union.
Commissioner of Southern Claims
Crawford Stephens (Chatham Co., North Carolina) claim, no. 8138. Barred and Disallowed Case Files, Southern Claims Commission, 1871-1880. Records of the House of Representatives, Record Group 233. National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.
King, Stefanie
Chatham County, NC
Original Format
"The claimant is a farmer 63 years of age in Rialto in Chatham Co. N.C.- He says that his sympathies were constantly with the cause of the Union- cast his vote on the side of the Union & advised staying in the Union. During the war secessionist living near him threatened to hang him if he did not stop talking for the Union- One son who was in the Confederate Army is the only witness called to his claim to loyalty. He says his father "was as dead oppose to the secession as any man in the world & spoke against it on every point" & was threatened with- Mr. Stephens had two sons and two sons-in-law in the Confederate Army- he furnished one son with a gun at his solicitation & one with a horse & gun both some money and clothing- We think these acts were giving aid to the rebellion & the claim is disallowed."
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Commissioner of Southern Claims, Summary Report, 1872, Disallowed Claim of Crawford Stevens, Civil War Era NC, accessed March 13, 2025,