Brandon Denton
Brandon Denton
This document comes from my paternal grandmother’s side of the family, the Stricklands, who can trace their lineage all the way back to England and France. This family tree was written in 1962 by Glenda Faye Strickland, one of my grandmother’s distant cousins, and mainly focuses on my grandmother’s great grandparents who originated in Virginia and their fourteen children who married into other families such as the Chamblees, Taylors, Vances, and Griffins (which is my grandmother’s maiden name). Although this family tree does not extend to my grandmother and her siblings and their children, this document still serves as a very valuable piece of my family’s history. This primary source speaks to me because researching my own family tree is what first sparked my interest in history. I live on my dad’s family’s old farm land where we have a family cemetery in our backyard. This piece of land has been in the family five generations, and the road which it is on is actually named after my family because there were so many of us living on the land at one time. When I was a kid, whenever my cousins and I would be playing on our family’s land, the cemetery would always terrify and ignite our curiosity as to who was buried there and what they did when they were alive. Ever since then, I was interested in knowing more about where I came from and what role the people buried in the cemetery played in my family’s history. Every chance I got I always asked my grandparents details about their families and where they originated from.
Glenda Faye Strickland
Brandon Denton
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Glenda Faye Strickland, Brandon Denton, Civil War Era NC, accessed March 13, 2025,