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  • Collection: Wartime North Carolina

Civil War Service Record of Edward Bell, 1863

Edward Bell Civil War Service Record.jpg
This document is the Civil War Service Record for Edward Bell, who was a former slave in North Carolina and went on to enlist in the 35th United States Colored Troops. The 35th USCT, which evolved from the First North Carolina Volunteers, was the…

Civil War Service Record of Elias Moore, 1863

Elias Moore Civil War Service Record.jpg
This document is the Civil War Service Record for Elias Moore, who was a former slave in North Carolina and went on to enlist in the 35th United States Colored Troops. The 35th USCT, which evolved from the First North Carolina Volunteers, was the…

Civil War Service Record of Julian Williams, 1863

Julian Williams Civil War Service Record.jpg
This document is the Civil War Service Record for Julian Williams, who was a former slave in Camden County, North Carolina and went on to enlist in the 35th United States Colored Troops. The 35th USCT, which evolved from the First North Carolina…

Claim of John Cordel - Southern Claims Commission, December 13, 1878

This claim details the account of one Surry County resident whose property was taken during Stoneman's Raid in 1865. The claimant was a known Unionist on his way to meet the raiders when he was arrested by Federal Troops. He was then released after…

Claim of John Tilley- Southern Claims Commission, December 13, 1878

This claim details the account of one Surry County resident whose property was taken during Stoneman's Raid in 1865. The claimant was a said to be a Unionist, and his claim actually lists that he was once threatened by the Confederate Home Guard.…

Colonel Lewis D. Warner, "To Sneedsboro" (March 4, 1865)

I hope a better spirit will prevail. North Carolina has shown considerable Union sentiment during the war and I believe a proper course by our would cause the slumbering fire to burst into a flame, which could not be quenched.

Commander of the Department of North Carolina to the Secretary of War, May 5, 1863

New Bern No Ca May 5 1863 Sir A letter from Gov Andrew of date April 1st is referred to me by the War Department under date of April 27th, I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of the same and in reply beg leave to say. If it be the policy of…


This article was published by the Raleigh Standard, and offers criticism of the Conscription Acts that were about the be passed by the Confederate congress. It highlights the fact that a strong national government was exactly what the Southern states…

Cornelia Spencer, "The Last Ninety Days of the War In North Carolina" (1866)


The town of Goldsboro was occupied by General Schofield's army on the twenty-first of…