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  • Tags: Slavery/Slaves

Civil War Service Record of Julian Williams, 1863

Julian Williams Civil War Service Record.jpg
This document is the Civil War Service Record for Julian Williams, who was a former slave in Camden County, North Carolina and went on to enlist in the 35th United States Colored Troops. The 35th USCT, which evolved from the First North Carolina…

Civil War Service Record of Adams Davis, 1863

Adams Davis Civil War Service Record.jpg
This document is the Civil War Service Record for Adams Davis, who was a former slave in Beaufort, North Carolina and went on to enlist in the 35th United States Colored Troops. The 35th USCT, which evolved from the First North Carolina Volunteers,…

Civil War Service Record of Elias Moore, 1863

Elias Moore Civil War Service Record.jpg
This document is the Civil War Service Record for Elias Moore, who was a former slave in North Carolina and went on to enlist in the 35th United States Colored Troops. The 35th USCT, which evolved from the First North Carolina Volunteers, was the…

Civil War Service Record of Edward Bell, 1863

Edward Bell Civil War Service Record.jpg
This document is the Civil War Service Record for Edward Bell, who was a former slave in North Carolina and went on to enlist in the 35th United States Colored Troops. The 35th USCT, which evolved from the First North Carolina Volunteers, was the…

"Enlistment of Negroes", August 21, 1862

Enlistment of Negroes.pdf

Enlistment of Negroes It is remarkable how much fuss resolute zealots can make over a very small matter. Two or three of our smaller States, to judge from the noise made in them, are quite convulsed on the subject of enlisting blacks as soldiers to…

Civil War Service Record of Charles Jones, 1863

Charles Jones Service Record.jpg
This document is the Civil War Service Record for Charles Jones, who was a former slave in New Bern, North Carolina and went on to enlist in the 35th United States Colored Troops. The 35th USCT, which evolved from the First North Carolina…

Recruitment Poster for "Color'd Men", 1863

Recruitment Poster.jpg

Bounty, $602.
Cashdown, 350.
Besides State, and United States pay, &c.
Recruits will be mustered into Colored Regiments.
James S. Henry;
At Recruiting Office, Second & Bridge Ave.

General Ambrose E. Burnside to the Secretary of War, March 21, 1862

Newbern {N.C.} Mch 21 /62 I have the honor of reporting the following movements in my department since my hurrid report of the 16” inst- The detailed report of the Engagement on the 14” is not yet finished, but I hope will be ready to…

“Two Years with a Colored Regiment: A Woman’s Experience," 1898

Two Years with a Colored Regiment 10.jpg

Reminiscences of our civil war have been given to the public image again and again, and our most able men have recited the details of the great battles and stirring events. But there are few records of the experiences of women in that war. This…

"Report of the Services Rendered by the Freed People to the United States Army in North Carolina," 1864


"I commenced my work with the freed people of color, in North Carolina, at Roanoke Island, soon after the battle of the 8th of February, 1862, which resulted so gloriously for our country.

A party of fifteen or twenty of these loyal blacks, men,…