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Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle December 29, 1863


Camp near Orange C.H. Va.,
Dec. 29th 1863.

My Dear Wife:
I again have the pleasure of writing you a few lines, informing you that I am well at present, hoping…

Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle April 13, 1862


The following letter was printed in the April 13, 1863, issue of the Spirit of the Age.

Deteriorating Influences of War. No. I

This important topic justly claims the attention of all good men and women; for it has a direct bearing upon the…


Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Mrs. Wise, July 17, 1863


The following letter was found in the Peter Mull Collection, North Carolina Department of Archives and History, Raleigh, North Carolina.

Bunker’s Hill, Va.
July 17th, 1863.

Mrs. Wise:
It becomes my painful duty to inform you of the…

Letter of Joseph Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle, February 15, 1864

55th soldier.jpeg.png

Near Orange C.H. Va.,
Feb, 15th, 1864
Dear Sarah,
I must tell you about us all re-enlisting for the war last Saturday. The whole Brigade was ordered out and General Davis gave us a stirring speech upon the subject. Our Regt. Seemed somewhat…

Letter of John Garibaldi to His Wife, September 3, 1863

Camp Stonewall Brigade September 3, 1863 Dear Wife I received your letter of the 8 of August last from which I understood with great pleasure that you and the rest of the family were all well, but sorrow to hear that you had been sick. This…

Letter of John Ellis to John Floyd, December 10, 1859

The Sense of insecurity prevailing among the people of this
State, renders it necessary that I should apply to you for arms
to place in the hands of the militia.
I wish to procure from the Government, two thousand long
range rifles with bayonets…

Letter of Hinton R. Helper to Benjamin S. Hedrick, October 15, 1856

Letter from Hinton R. Helper to Benjamin S. Hedrick, October 15, 1856, Page 1

New York, Oct. 15, 1856

Prof. Hedrick ,

Bravo! You are right. Stand firm, and friends will gather around you. I have not the pleasure of your acquaintance, but it would do me good to take you by the hand and tell you how glad I was to find…

Letter of Francis Marion Poteet to Martha Hendley Poteet, November 3, 1863

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In this letter, Poteet is writing his wife to tell her how desperately home sick he is. He continues to say that he and several others are considering desertion, and that they would have done so the previous evening if they had not been stopped by a…

Letter of Francis Marion Poteet to Martha Hendley Poteet, November 22, 1863

F. M. Poteet to Martha Poteet] Kinston N. C. Nove 22the 1863 My Dear Wife and Children I seat my self this Blesed sabath morning to Rite you afew lines to let you now that I am only tolarabel well I hav got A very Bad Cold and A very Bad Cough My…