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Colonel Lewis D. Warner, "To Sneedsboro" (March 4, 1865)
I hope a better spirit will prevail. North Carolina has shown considerable Union sentiment during the war and I believe a proper course by our would cause the slumbering fire to burst into a flame, which could not be quenched.
Tags: Carolinas Campaign, Civil War, Home Front, North Carolina, occupation, Officers, South, union
Address of Thomas Ruffin: Delivered Before the State Agricultural Society of North Carolina, October 18, 1855
... My purpose now, however, is merely to maintain that slavery here is favorable to the interests of agriculture in point of economy and profit, and not unwholesome to the moral and social condition of each race. In support of the first part of the…
Tags: prewar
Anne C. Loveland, Southern Evangelicals and the Social Order 1800-1860 (1980)
James A. Wynn Jr., Thomas Ruffin and the Perils of Public Homage: State v. Mann: Judicial Choice or Judicial Duty? (2009)
Robert Fogel and Stanley Engerman, Time on the Cross: The Economics of American Negro Slavery (1995)
Eugene Genovese, The World the Slaveholders Made: Two Essays in Interpretation (1988)
Michael Moore, Exhibit panel (2) in "Real to Reel," 2013
Gone with the Wind premiered at Loew's Grand Theatre in Atlanta on December 15, 1939. Two thousand guests were invited, including most of the main cast, southern dignitaries, and surviving Confederate soldiers. Leslie Howard returned to England at…
Tags: Commemoration, Memory
Michael Moore, Exhibit case (2) in "North Carolina and the Civil War," 2013
Tags: Commemoration, Memory
Michael Moore, Exhibit display in "North Carolina in Crisis," 2013
Tags: Commemoration, Memory
Michael Moore, Exhibit case in "Living Together," 2013
Tags: Commemoration, Memory
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Josephus Daniels, 1862-1948

Josephus Daniels (1862-1848) was the influential editor of the Raleigh News and Observer during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He…