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Salisbury National Cemetery Entrance
The Salisbury National Cemetery is the only such cemetery in North Carolina: born out of a Confederate prison honoring the unknown Union dead. The cemetery houses almost four thousand Union veterans and six thousand U.S. veterans.
Tags: Cemetery, Civil War, Commemoration, North Carolina, Salisbury
Cemetery Field Salisbury
The size of the National Cemetery at Salisbury is impressive. The space has recently been expanded to allow four hundred more graves for veterans. This image shows the many people who had been buried at Salisbury since the Spanish American War and…
Tags: Cemetery, Commemoration, Salisbury
Federal Monument side label
The side panel for the Federal Monument describes the purpose of the memorial to "the memory of the unknown union soldiers who died in the confederate prison at Salisbury, NC."
Salisbury National Cemetery Gate
The gate to the National Cemetery is wrought iron and imposing.
Tags: Cemetery, Commemoration, National Government
Salisbury trenches
At Salisbury the dead were too numerous for Confederates to provide individual graves, and instead dumped the bodies into eighteen trenches. These trenches were heavily contested after the war as how many bodies were actually inside.
Maine Monument, Salisbury National Cemetery
Built in 1909 the Maine Monument was created to honor the Maine soldiers who died in Salisbury prison during the Civil War. Paid for by the Maine state legislature.
Tags: Civil War, Commemoration, Prisons/Prisoners, Salisbury
United Daughters of the Confederacy marker, Salisbury National Cemetery
The United Daughters of the Confederacy created a marker contextualizing Salisbury prison in the 1990s. Countering the Federal Monument, the UDC marker lowered the death toll at the prison from the impossibly high 11,700 to a more plausible 3,700.
Pennsylvania Monument at Salisbury National Cemetery
Created in 1910 the Pennsylvania Monument was built to honor prisoners from the Commonwealth who died at Salisbury prison. The Pennsylvania Monument did not attack the Confederate authorities and focused on peace.
Salisbury Monuments
A photo of the Salisbury National Cemetery it focuses on the thousands of graves along with the Maine and Federal Monuments. It was a beautiful day for taking pictures.
Michael Moore, Exhibit case in "Living Together," 2013
Exhibit displays such as this one in “Living Together†provided an important historical contextualization for the following exhibit, “North Carolina in Crisis.†By exploring provocative themes of violence, oppression, resistance, and…
Tags: Commemoration, Memory
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Voter Registration Card from Alamance County, 1902

This voter registration card was created after the Democrat-controlled North Carolina General Assembly passed a Suffrage Amendment in 1900. The…