Browse Items (916 total)
Brian Smith
Amnesty Petition of Thomas Bragg, August 15, 1865
"In and by the Proclamation of our Excellency of the 29th of May last certain classes of persons are specially excluded from the amnesty therein granted. Two of these exceptions may be supposed to apply to you petitioner. The fourth 'All who left…
Amnesty Petition of William S. Bradshaw, June 30, 1865
[Page 1]:
"W. S. Bradshaw
Alamance County, NC
Pet. for Pardon
Officer & Post. Master
Received By:
W. R. Albright
W. A. Albright"
Executive Office W6
Raleigh, June 30, 1865.
I respectfully recommend that a pardon be granted in this case.…
Steven Boyer, Photographs of the Endor Iron Furnace, 2013
Tags: Commemoration
Steven Boyer, Save Endor, March 30, 2013
Tags: Commemoration
Steven Boyer
Tags: Boisterous, Good Natured, Irreverent, sarcastic, tired
Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees Minutes, University Of North Carolina Chapel Hill, October 11, 1856
RaleighOct 11, 1856
Executive Committee met.
His Excy. Gov. Bragg , Prest
J. H. Bryan
D. W. Courts
C. L. Hinton
Ch. Manly
B. F. Moore
R. M. Saunders
The Prest laid before the Committee a political essay…
David Blight, Race and Reunion (2001)
This book is a history of how Americans remembered their most divisive and tragic experience during the fifty-year period after the Civil War. It probes the interrelationship between the two broad themes of race and reunion in American culture and…
Tags: Commemoration
Kent Blaser, "North Carolina and John Brown's Raid" (1978)
Tags: prewar
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Daniel Lindsay Russell, Jr., 1845-1908

Daniel Russell, a former Confederate soldier, became disillusioned by Southern leadership during the Civil War and joined the Republican Party in…