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  • Tags: blockade running

Stephen R. Wise, Lifeline of the Confederacy (1988)


For both vessels and supplies, the South looked to Great Britian and, once the British realized the immense profits that could be made by running cargoes through the blockade, a large and enthusiastic trade soon opened up between Bermuda, Nassau,…

Letter from Major Smith Stansbury to Major Caleb Huse, July 20, 1863

Major Caleb Huse.

Major: I have the honor to enclose herewith copy of letter of instruction from Colonel J. Gorgas, Chief of Ordnance, dated May 19th, 1863. Also copy of letter from Lieut. Colonel I. M. St. John, Chief of the Niter and Mining…

Letter from Major Smith Stansbury to Colonel Josiah Gorgas, September 2, 1863

St. George’s Ba.
September 1st, 1863–
Colonel J. Gorgas
Col: Your telegram of 21st Ulto. To Fort Fisher was received; in hand, just in time for the “Eugenie.”
A copy was enclosed to Capt. Fry, and handed to me–