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- Tags: postwar
Testimony of William J. Murray in Holden's Impeachment Trial, 1871
Tags: postwar
Testimony of Jesse Gant in Holden's impeachment trial, 1871
Tags: postwar
Testimony of Albert Murray in Holden's Impeachment, 1871
Tags: postwar
Southern Claims Commission Testimony for George Bond, Deposition of Joshua T. Stacy
Tags: Bond, claims, commission, George, patriotism, postwar, southern
Southern Claims Commission remarks on the claim of Ellerton Newberne.
Tags: claims, commission, ellerton, newberne, patriotism, postwar, schooner, ship, southern
Southern Claims Commission Chart 2 Barred and Disallowed
Tags: claims, comission, disallowed, patriotism, postwar, southern
Robert G. Mitchell's claim Witness Form
Tags: claims, commission, Mitchell, patriotism, postwar, Robert, southern
Richard L. Zuber, North Carolina During Reconstruction (1969)
Just before Christmas, 1870, the House of Representatives drew up eight charges against the governor. The first two charges were that he had acted unlawfully by raising troops and sending them into Caswell and Alamance counties when there was no…
Tags: postwar
Petition of Joseph Etheridge
North Carolina Through Four Centuries, 1989
The trial got under way on 2 February 1871 and lasted until 22 March, a period of seven weeks. A separate vote was taken on each of the eight charges, and Holden was found guilty on six. Although Holden was the second American governor to be…
Tags: postwar
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Daniel Lindsay Russell, Jr., 1845-1908

Daniel Russell, a former Confederate soldier, became disillusioned by Southern leadership during the Civil War and joined the Republican Party in…