"Senator Butler at Morganton," Raleigh News and Observer, June 19, 1900
Raleigh, North Carolina
Original Format
Senator Butler at Morganton
Why he Doesn't Know a White Child from a Mullato.
(Special to News and Observer)
MORGANTON, N.C., June 18. - The mother of the mulatto child, who was taken up in his arms by Senator Butler on Saturday, is named Moffitt. The father of the child is a mulatto by the name of Rufus Avery, with whom the child lives. He is called Sam Avery. Butler was speaking to a gang of revenue officers before the Republican County Convention. To illustrate what he called the mournful fact that the ten-year-old-boys would be disfranchised, he caught a child in his arms and stood him on a table. After he had lamented over his pet for ten minutes, a white Democrat called out, "You have caught a mulatto." And so the object lession intended to impress the hearers with the danger of the amendment, resulted in impressing them with the fact that Fusion orators are color-blind. It is the mulattos and negroes, who put Butler in office, for whom he is speaking, and he exposed himself be exhibiting Rule Avery's mulatto son.
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