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"Craven County December 1860 resolutions" December 12, 1860


"Craven County December 1860 resolutions" December 12, 1860


Craven County Committee of Safety resolutions sent to Govenor John W. Ellis regarding North Carolina's relationship to the United States and the secession crisis. This December 1860 document from the correspondence of Governor John Ellis is an example of how the secessionist faction in North Carolina took action, passed resolutions, and petitioned the governor to enact those resolutions. Over the four pages of the document, the men outlined the grievances of North Carolina against the Union and called for a strategy that would align North Carolina closely with other southern slave-holding states.


Craven County Committee of Safety


"Craven County December 1860 resolutions". Craven County Committee of Safety, December 12, 1860. From State Documents, accessed April 4, 2012.






Craven County, North Carolina

Original Format

Government Document


Craven County Meeting On yesterday the 12th December a large portion of the citizens of Craven met in the Theatre to give expression to their sentiments relative to the present alarming state of National affairs. On motion W.B. Wadsworth was called to the chair, and A.C. Lathem and Wm. Hay Esqrs. Were appointed Secretaries. Prayer by the Rev. T.G. Hall. C.B. Wood esq. moved to appoint a committee to draft Resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting which after being amended several times was withdrawn by that gentleman. Dr. Peter Hines, J.H. Haughton, H.T. Guion and D.K. McRae, Esqrs all presented Resolutions which after some discussion were all withdrawn with the exception of the Resolution of Mr. Guion and before a vote was taken Mr. McRae moved to strike out Mr. Guion�s Resolution and substitute his series which motion being carried Mr. McRae�s Resolutions were passed almost unanimously only two or three voting in the negative. The discussion was participated in by Messers. Hines, Guion, Hay, Haughton, Washington, Wood, and McRae. The Resolutions offered by Mr. McRae and which were adopted by the meeting are as follows: Whereas the people of North Carolina have a common interest with all the slave holding states and whereas in common with them the State of North Carolina has suffered from the aggressions of the North upon the institution of slavery until the burden has become intolerable; Therefore Resolved That the Union of these States under the Constitution as interpreted by the non-slaveholding States no longer affords to North Carolina that welfare, equality, and tranquility which it was intended to secure; and new Constitutional guarantees for her protection are necessary as well as against overt acts of aggression so also against injurious and dangerous Legislative and Congressional agitation Resolved - that in order to preserve a safe and friendly Union it is necessary that the North should repeal all of its hostile Legislation that it should abstain in future from all aggression, that it should faithfully fulfill its duties as a friend and ally, that it should neither permit its people or Representatives to agitate questions which been injuriously upon our rights of property in Slaves but should leave our citizens unmolested in the enjoyment of equality of rights under the government. Resolved - that without enquiring into the abstract right of a Sovereign state to secede from the Confederacy, North Carolina could not stand indifferent to an effort to coerce each State back in the Union - and if one or any number of the slave holding States shall Secede a Community of interest and feeling will impel us to assist them against any force which may be used upon them. Resolved - that in times of peril like these Consultation is necessary, and the safest and most dignified mode of Consultation is in a Convention of the people, and as the rapid development of events demands speedy action, it is best that the Legislature should recommend the time for the assembling of the Convention and the basis upon which it should meet. Resolved - that the occasion demands energetic preparation against all contingencies, and the reorganization of our Militia system, the enrolment of the volunteers and necessary appropriations for arming and equipping them are measures which demand prompt Legislative action.Resolved - that we approve the recommendations of the Governor on the points contained in the last preceding resolutions and the Secretaries are instructed to transmit a copy of these proceedings to the executive of the State as also to our Senator and Representatives in the Legislature. Resolved - that for the maintenance of North Carolina�s dignity and rights, whether in the Union or out of it, we mutually pledge to each other and to our brethren in other parts of the State a cordial and faithful effort. After prayer and the usual vote of thanks to the officers and the adoption of a motion to publish the proceedings in the papers of the town the meeting adjourned. W.B. Wadsworth, chm. AC. Lathem Wm. Hay }Sec�ys


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Craven County Committee of Safety, "Craven County December 1860 resolutions" December 12, 1860, Civil War Era NC, accessed March 10, 2025,