Letter from Major Smith Stansbury to Sect. of the Treasury Christopher C. Memminger, August 13, 1863
Letter from Major Smith Stansbury to Sect. of the Treasury Christopher C. Memminger, August 13, 1863
This correspondence between Stansbury and Memminger reveals that the Major was using Confederate-run vessels such as the Eugenie to run important materials to certain members of the Confederate High Command. In this case, Christopher Memminger. The package is to go aboard one of Josiah Gorgas' blockade-runners, be run into Wilmington (Gorgas' port of preference) and shall be held by one of Gorgas' agents: James Seixas.
Major Smith Stansbury
Major Smith Stansbury to Sect. Christopher Memminger, August 13, 1863, in Confederate Blockade Running Through Bermuda, 1861 - 1865: Letters and Cargo Manifests, ed. Frank E. Vandiver (Austin: The University of Texas Press, 1947), 83.
York, Robert
Wilmington, North Carolina
St. George, Bermuda
Liverpool, England
Original Format
Honble. C. G. Memminger, Secty. of Treasury.
Through Chf. of Ord.
Sir: I have the honor to forward by Steamer "Eugenie" Captain Fry - one Box, Marked T. D. containing a Seal received from Mess. Frazer Trenholm and Co. Liverpool England.
The box is addressed to you, care of J. M. Seixas, agt. of War Department, Wilmingotn, N. Car-
Smith Stansbury, Major
Through Chf. of Ord.
Sir: I have the honor to forward by Steamer "Eugenie" Captain Fry - one Box, Marked T. D. containing a Seal received from Mess. Frazer Trenholm and Co. Liverpool England.
The box is addressed to you, care of J. M. Seixas, agt. of War Department, Wilmingotn, N. Car-
Smith Stansbury, Major
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Major Smith Stansbury, Letter from Major Smith Stansbury to Sect. of the Treasury Christopher C. Memminger, August 13, 1863, Civil War Era NC, accessed March 13, 2025, https://cwnc.omeka.chass.ncsu.edu/items/show/784.