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The Florida Campaign, March 1, 1864


The Florida Campaign, March 1, 1864


This is the text of an article from The New York Herald in 1864 regarding the Florida campaign by the Union troops under General Seymour that was written by Oscar G. Sawyer, a correspondent for the newspaper at the time.  In early 1864, there was a Union attempt to seize Florida during the Civil War.  The battle of Olustee was one of the main engagements during this campaign and it ended in a defeat for the Union.  This article detailed the campaign from the Union perspective.  Sawyer discussed how the Union “losses were quite heavy and the advantage rather in favor of the enemy [Confederacy].”   In this article, sawyer goes through a detailed description of the battle starting with “The Advance From Barber’s,” “The Enemy’s Pickets and Driven In,” “The Enemy Found in Force,” “The Second Position,” and the battle itself.  He then described the Confederate forces and the third position, ending with retreat.  This article had a section that described “The Behavior of our Troops,” which highlighted the gallantry on the First North Carolina Volunteers, the colored regiment from North Carolina.


Oscar G. Sawyer


Sawyer, Oscar G., “The Florida Campaign: Details of the Operations of the Union Troops Under General Seymour,” The New York Herald, March 1, 1864, Accessed October 29, 2014, Accessible Archives.




Danielle Brinton



Original Format

Newspaper Article


Details of the Operations of the Union Troops Under General
Seymour. The March to and Battle of Olustee .
Mr. Oscar G. SawyerDespatches.

CAMP FINEGAN, Florida, Feb. 23, 1864.


Since my last communication - in which I gave a detailed
account of the cavalry expedition under Colonel Henry, of the
Fortieth Massachusetts; Major Stevens, First Massachusetts
Independent Battalion, and Captain Elder, Horse Battery B,
First artillery, to the vicinity of Lake City, and its
brilliant successive, routing and pursuing the enemy and
destroying a large amount of valuable supplies of the rebel
army - our forces have met the rebels in strength, in a strong
position, chosen by themselves, and fortified. In this
engagement our forces came out second best, and with
considerable loss in men and material.

The battle was one of the most furious and bloody of any
that has yet taken place in this department, which is already
famous for the carnage on both sides that has marked nearly
every engagement fought within its borders. What its ultimate
results may be time alone can decide. It is quite certain
that, although our losses were quite heavy and the advantage
rather in favor of the enemy, the morale of our men is
unimpaired, and their willingness to meet the enemy as perfect
as ever. No men could be more eager for work, and no men
better able to endure hardships than they, although they have
not, as a general thing, been accustomed to heavy marches. A
few days only are wanted to rest the troops, repair damages and
make other needed arrangements, and our brave fellows will
again move against the enemy, or successfully meet him should
he dare to advance.


In my last despatch I stated that our main infantry force
was at Barber, on the south prong of the St. Marys river,
where Colonel Henrycommand had had the lively skirmish with
a rebel cavalry force some days previously, on the march to
Lake City. Our advance force was at Sanderson, holding the
front against rebel cavalry raids. The few days subsequent to
this time were employed in bringing up supplies, refreshing the
troops and making preparations for an advance. After these
preliminaries had been perfected General Seymour ordered an
advance towards Lake City on the 20th inst.

The troops were in motion at an early hour, the light
cavalry in advance. The line of march was across the south
prong of the St. Marys, and up the road to Sanderson, nine
miles distant.

The day was as beautiful as ever dawned. A clear sky was
over us, and the savannahs that stretched out on either side of
the sandy road which wound through the pine woods was warm with
the golden sunlight, pouring through the resinous pine tops,
and lending to the air a balmy fragrance. Our men marched off
with a light step, joyful with the very idea of meeting the
enemy. The march to Sanderson was made without a halt of any
moment, and the men seemed as fresh and vigorous as ever at
that point. At Sanderson the infantry halted, the cavalry
preserving their relative distance of about two miles in the

After a short rest, the column again moved forward, the
cavalry under Major Stevens feeling their way along cautiously,
and ever ready for action.


The advance cavalry force first came upon the enemy
pickets at a saw mill, near the railroad, and on the right of
it, about six miles from Sanderson. They consisted of about
seventy-five cavalrymen, who dismounted and deployed as
skirmishers, and as our advance approached they crossed the
railroad in our front and fired several volleys of musketry.
The cavalry replied with their carbines, and continued to
advance rapidly. The enemy, finding affairs growing too warm
for their comfort, hastily recrossed the railroad, mounted
their horses, and rapidly retreated toward Lake City. Our
cavalry did not pursue, but halted, and Colonel Henry reported
the facts which I have narrated to Gen. Seymour, who was in the
rear, at the head of the infantry. Gen. Seymour ordered the
mounted force to await the arrival of the infantry and
artillery. As soon as they had come up and the column had been
closed, the Seventh Connecticut, Colonel Hawleybrigade, was
thrown forward as skirmishers, to move with the cavalry. Two
companies of the Seventh Connecticut skirmished with our
cavalry advance for two miles, when a point was reached where
the railroad is crossed by the sand road. At this place were
two or three houses, which constituted all there was of the
town of Olustee - a name that has now gained a place in


The two companies of the Seventh Connecticut regiment,
crossing the railroad, advanced along the sand road, and soon
came upon the enemy in considerable force. The balance of the
regiment closed up as supports as soon as the fire became
active, as it did in a moment or two. Captain Elder
immediately put one of his pieces in position on the road and
opened fire with shell, advancing as he fired. Col. Henry
cavalry was thrown out on either side, to support the gun, and
a force halted in the rear for the same purpose. The
skirmishing now becoming rather lively, Elder brought his other
pieces into position on the left of the road, and opened a
heavy fire upon the enemy, who replied with artillery and
musketry. The fire growing rather too hot for us, and the
enemy pushing forward a heavy line of skirmishers, after a
short contest our line fell back and took up


Again Elderbattery was placed by Colonel Henry on the
left of the road, and the cavalry thrown out on either side to
protect the flanks of the line and support the battery.

A section of HamiltonBattery was now brought forward and
placed on Elderleft and a little to his front, and was
speedily in play, increasing the chorus of the brazen voices of
the cannon. The Seventh New Hampshire, Colonel Abbott, of
Colonel Hawleybrigade, was marched in column, the left in
front, to a position on the right, and began to deploy in line
of battle. They found themselves right in face of the enemy
line of battle, before which no rebel skirmishers had been
thrown out. Before they could get in line the enemy poured in
several withering volleys of musketry, which cut down many men.
The enemysharpshooters were particularly active and
exceedingly harassing in their peculiar operations. The men
began to drop so rapidly under this fire that the line was
scarcely deployed before it wavered and broke, in spite of Col.
Abbottstrenuous efforts to rally them and hold them to their
work, and fell back in disorder, after firing a few answering
volleys. In justice to this regiment, which has earned an
enviable reputation for gallantry and soldierly bearing, I must
say they went into the fight under many disadvantages. In the
first place many of the men - I may say a large proportion -
are unexperienced soldiers, having recently joined the regiment
as conscripts or substitutes, gathered from the four quarters
of the globe, and some of them unacquainted with the English
language. Secondly, they had changed their arms - the left
flank I allude to - and had been armed, as I have been
informed, with defective arms, which were little better than
none at all. Their muskets were not supplied with bayonets,
and the men had not that confidence in them that they would
have had were they otherwise. Some of the guns, I have also
been informed, could not be fired at all. Consequently the men
were apprehensive and somewhat demoralized. The officers, I
believe, did all that men could do to maintain the line, but
the men could not be kept in position. Afterwards a number of
them were rallied and did good service. The right wing stood
firm and behaved quite well.

On the advance of the Seventh New Hampshire and the Eighth
United States colored troops, Col. Fribley, which was sent to
the left to support the artillery, the mounted infantry
(Captain Jenkins commanding) fell back one hundred and fifty
yards, and took up a position on the right and left flanks of
the line of battle, the left flank resting across the railroad.

now began in earnest, and the firing became very heavy.
Captain LangdonBattery M, First United States artillery, was
ordered up, and was placed in position on the right of the
road, behind a little marsh, and opened fire. Colonel Borton
brigade, consisting of the Forty-seventh New York, Colonel
Moore; Forty-eighth New York, Major Coan, and the One Hundred
and Fifteenth New York, Colonel Sammons, was now thrown forward
on the double quick to the right of the road, with the One
Hundred and Fifteenth New York on the right, the Forty-eighth
in the centre and the Forty-seventh on the left, resting on


The enemy advanced from their position, which was protected
on either flank by a cypress swamp and strengthened by
earthworks and three batteries of artillery, and pushed down
towards our line. They were in great force, numbering not less
than ten thousand men, with a regiment of cavalry on either
flank, and apparently flushed with the hope of victory.
Bortonbrigade and the artillery, with the Eighth United
States (colored) troops, received them with a terrible fire,
and checked for a time their progress. Their lines were
depleted and swept down. Flag after flag would drop, but again
appear, and the thinned lines would close up calmly and
quickly, and pour into our lines their terrific fore. The
artillery was in constant play on both sides, being moved here
and there, as the necessities of the battle required. Our
losses were quite severe during this terrible conflict -
Colonel Fribley, of the Eighth United States (colored), being
killed shortly after he had got his men in line, and Colonels
Sammons and Moore being wounded.

The death of Colonel Fribley and the loss of several other
officers produced disorder in the Eighth United States
(colored), and they soon after broke and fell back in
confusion. This left our left flank exposed, and the enemy
concentrated a terrible fire on the artillery. It was so
intensely hot that the men were shot down by the side of their
guns, and as the vacancies occurred, and men stepped forward to
fill them, they, too, were shot down. Langdonbattery and
Hamiltonbattery suffered badly. They were compelled to
suspend firing toward the close of the engagement, in
consequence of the loss of men. On attempting to draw off the
guns, most of the horses were killed, and Captain Hamilton was
reluctantly obliged to leave two guns on the field for lack of
horses to bring them off. For the same reason Captain Langdon
was obliged to leave three pieces on the field. Captain
Hamilton, before this, had been twice wounded, and was obliged
to go to the rear leaving the command with Lieutenant Myrick.
Lieutenant Myrick was soon after wounded in the foot, and
Lieutenant Eddy and Lieutenant Dodge were also wounded quite
severely. But one officer remained with the battery when it
came out - Lieutenant Irwin.

The battle raged until the great disparity of our forces to
those engaged against us became so evident that our line was
gradually drawn back, leaving the dead and some of the
seriously wounded on the field.

While retiring Montgomeriebrigade, the Fifty-fourth
Massachusetts, Colonel Hallowell, and the First North Carolina,
Lieutenant Colonel Reid, were put in on the left, and behaved
with gallantry. They lost heavily. The ammunition of Barton
brigade began to run low, and it was seen to waver, but they
were quickly rallied and held. The First North Carolina was
sent into line in their front, and held the enemy in check.
Here Lieutenant Colonel Reid received a mortal wound and Major
Bogle was killed. The men behaved most gallantly, and never
wavered, but stood their ground manfully, and even drove the
enemy back while they were attempting to envelop the left of
our line. They followed up the enemy until they were recalled,
for fear that they would be cut off and captured.

On our line retiring, the enemy attempted to flank us on
both sides with a regiment of cavalry, but Colonel Henry placed
a squadron of the First Massachusetts and some mounted infantry
facing them, and the rebels backed out, and did not attempt to
carry out their designs. The two hostile cavalry commands
faced each other for some time, neither caring to begin the

While this flanking movement was being attempted, the
centre - Col. Barton- was held in its position by great
exertions, under a terrific fire from the front and the flank
which enfiladed out line and cut down our men in a sad manner.
They held their position through until a third line was formed,
and the enemyplan to flank us thwarted.

was about one hundred yards to the rear of the second position,
and the troops were placed as follows: - Bartonbrigade on
the right, with the First North Carolina a little on the right
and front. Elderbattery on the road to the right, and then
the Fifty-fourth Massachusetts on its left, with cavalry to the
extreme left. The remaining guns of the batteries of Hamilton
and Langdon were repeatedly changed in position and effectively
used. The enemy soon after the charge of line advanced quickly
in double column, closed en masse with cheers, and were about
to deploy in line and crush the centre, when Elder opened upon
them with canister at short range, cutting their columns
diagonally and opening through them wide lanes which were
strewn with dead. The rebel colors went down three times and
were three times raised aloft; but they fell back as Elder
delivered his third charge of canister into their ranks. They
suffered badly from this fore, and fell back to their
intrenchments in confusion. After this repulse the enemy did
not advance in force, but merely engaged our line with a cloud
of skirmishers and sharpshooters.


At about sundown the battle suddenly closed. The enemy
ceased their fire so quickly that we were under the impression
that they were about to make a grand forward movement in full
strength, and endeavor to break our lines, and gobble up our
little army, without regard to the cost of the effort. We
fired but a few shots after the enemy had ceased firing, and
then prepared to withdraw.

was conducted in the most orderly and perfect manner. There
was no confusion, but little straggling, and no change in the
spirits of the men. They were fatigued, to be sure, but not in
the least dispirited; but, on the contrary, were as fierce for
a fight as ever.

The retreat for a short distance was conducted in
successive lines of battle, but, finding the enemy were not
disposed to follow, the line was changed - the force retiring
in column, Bartonbrigade bringing up the rear, and they
being covered by the cavalry and Elderbattery.

Once or twice the enemycavalry attempted to push our
line, but were checked and driven back by our cavalry. The
pursuit was not make in force and we retired to Barberagain,
making a march of thirty-four miles during the day and fighting
a severe battle three hours and a half in duration. The feat
is well worthy of notice, as one rarely equalled. Our men came
into Barberin good order. The only stragglers were the men
who were footsore from long marching and those slightly
wounded. The retreat could not have been conducted in better

is variously estimated from eight to twelve thousand men, a
portion, it is reported, from Johnstonarmy, consisting of
infantry, two regiments of cavalry and two or three batteries
of artillery. As nearly as we can ascertain the following are
a portion of the regiments opposed to us - First, Second, Fifth
and Sixth Florida infantry; First and Second regiments Florida
cavalry; Clinchcavalry (which is possibly identical with one
of the above); First Battalion Florida artillery, Sixty-fourth,
Sixth, Thirty-second and nineteenth Georgia infantry; Fourth
battalion of Georgia cavalry, First regiment Georgia regular
infantry, First regiment Confederate infantry (regulars), and a
battalion of regular artillery - in the aggregate about ten
thousand men. General Frank Gardner, of Port Hudson fame, was
said to be in command, with Generals Cliquitt and Finegan. Our
force was much smaller, and went into the fight after a
fatiguing march of seventeen miles, met the enemy in their
chosen position, behind defence, and in a long and severe fight
so severely handled them that they could not pursue.

was, with one or two exceptions which I have already noticed,
all that could have been desired. They fought stubbornly
against superior numbers, were cool and collected, generally
speaking, and have established on a firm basis the reputation
for good fighting qualities which they had heretofore gained.

Great praise is awarded by all to the Seventh Connecticut,
Colonel Hawley, for their superb conduct in the advance,
throughout the fight, as skirmishers. They did not falter or
waver, but employed their Spencer rifles so accurately and
effectively that the enemy will long have occasion to remember
their presence on the field. The lost quite heavily.

Of Bartonbrigade - the Forty-seventh, Forty-eighth and
One Hundred and Fifteenth New York regiments - it is enough to
say that they never did better, and that to their firmness and
endurance, their pluck and steadiness, we owe the safety of our
entire force. Had they proved unreliable nothing could have
prevented the capture or slaughter of most of our forces.

The brigade suffered heavily, as the list of casualties
will show. The cavalry performed excellent service during the
contest and in covering the retreat. I have before spoken of
Colonel Henryregiment, the Fortieth Massachusetts, and Major
Stevens'First battalion of Massachusetts Independent cavalry
in terms of commendation, and only need to say now that they
were of immense service to us, and behaved splendidly

The First North Carolina and the Fifty-fourth
Massachusetts, of the colored troops, did admirably. The First
North Carolina held the positions it was placed in with the
greatest tenacity, and inflicted heavy loss on the enemy. It
was cool and steady, and never flinched for a moment. The
Fifty- fourth sustained the reputation they had gained at
Wagner, and bore themselves like soldiers throughout the

Of the batteries not enough can be said. They were fought
splendidly and did great execution. They were in the hottest
of the fire, and lost very heavily from the enemy
sharpshooters, who used their rifles with great effect on the
men at the guns, and on the horses. It was owing, as I have
before said, to the latter cause that the guns were lost.


The enemyfire was so hot, both from artillery and small
arms, that the surgeons were compelled to shift the positions
of their hospitals three or four times, and even then did not
keep out of fire. But they worked bravely on, and did all that
could be done to alleviate the sufferings of our troops.
Surgeon Janeway had charge of the artillery hospital, and
devoted himself with exemplary assiduity to his duties.
Surgeon Mercer, of the First Independent battalion of the
Massachusetts cavalry, and Surgeon Garvin, of the Fortieth
Massachusetts regiment, had charge of the cavalry hospitals,
and also aided in establishing a general field hospital for all
the command. Assistant Surgeon C. B. Defendorf, of the
Forty-eighth New York, remained on the field to acre for our
wounded, and probably fell into the hands of the enemy.

During the thickest of the fight a stalwart negro, of the
First North Carolina, was seen to rush to the rear, terribly
wounded by a musket ball through both cheeks, and bleeding in
torrents from his wounds, mouth and nose, but shouting aloud
through his swollen lips, dripping with blood, "Shree Shreers
for Union! Gimmum `ll! Gimmum `ll!"and went to the extreme
rear, yelling in his broken style the same old rallying cry of
"Gimmum `ll!"The poor fellow was mortally wounded and is
probably now dead. A lieutenant of the same regiment, who had
lost a leg in an engagement in North Carolina, and who had
supplied its place with an artificial member consisting of a
stout oaken peg, was present at this fight, and while the
battle was as warm as one would care to experience it, a rebel
sharpshooter put a bullet through his trowsers leg and through
his wooden peg. He felt the blow but escaped the twinge of
pain that generally accompanies the passage of a pellet through
genuine flesh and muscle, and enjoying a keen sense of the
ludicrous, he forgot the battle and its dangers, and gave way
to the heartiest and most explosive laughter. He pushed along
the line and approached the Colonel, to whom, after a severe
effort, he was able to communicate the cause of his mirth.
Almost convulsed with laughter, he exclaimed: - "Colonel! By
George! The damned rebels have shot me through the wooden leg!
Ha! Ha! Devilish good joke on the fellows!"and he hobbled
back to his position on the line, and chucked to himself
immensely over the sell.


The agent of the Sanitary Commission, Mr. A. B. Day, and
that of the Christian Commission, Rev. Mr. Taylor, aided by
Chaplain Haskell, of the Fortieth Massachusetts, were on the
ground soon after the battle began, and entered upon their
mission of mercy. They went upon the field in the thickest of
the fray, and brought off the wounded and carried them to the
rear, where their supplies, which they had brought up from
Jacksonville with great exertion, were dispensed. Mr. Day was
particularly conspicuous in bringing out the wounded and
alleviating their sufferings as much as laid in his power. Mr.
Taylor and Mr. Haskell were also exceedingly active and
efficient in their good work.

After the battle was over and the troops began to retire
they aided in getting off all the wounded that transportation
could be supplied to. As soon as possible the wounded were
placed upon cars and sent to Jacksonville. The locomotive
broke down ten miles from Jacksonville, and from there a
detachment of the Fifty-fourth Massachusetts, who volunteered
in the most noble manner, pushed the cars into Jacksonville.

While Messrs. Day, Taylor and Haskell were at the front
they remained behind to care for the wounded, and were for some
time in danger of being captured. The enemy did not follow up
very rapidly, and these gentlemen succeeded in getting away,
and with them they brought off a number of wounded.

The appearance of an agent of the Sanitary Commission away
up in the wilds of Florida gave us all a clear idea of the
extent of country and the distant commands over which the
United States Sanitary Commission carries out its benevolent
and Christian plans, and strengthens the faint and wear,
administering to the sick and binding up the wounds of the
fallen. Its influence seems to be felt in every command in the
country, and it always appears at exactly the right moment,
when it is most needed. In this case Mr. Daysleepless
activity and energy aided greatly in rescuing many who were
about to fall into the enemygrasp, and brought them safely
into Jackson. And his forethought and wise precautions in
getting up, under great difficulties and tribulations, his well
selected supplies, were worthy of great praise. No better man
could be chosen for the important position he so able fills.
Mr. Day is now at Jacksonville, in charge of a large quantity
of sanitary stores, and is busily engaged in supplying
hospitals and men with needed articles. Besides this arduous
duty he has voluntarily established a post office in the town,
and forwards and receives all the mails for the command. He is
a most valuable man, and one we hope long to hold in the


Our forces fell back two or three days since to this point,
where they are comfortably bivouacked and resting after their
toilsome marches. Our cavalry retired from Baldwin yesterday
as there was danger of their being cut off. Our entire force
is now here and in a position to check and defeat any force
that the rebels may send against them. What may hereafter be
done I am not able to say; but I shall endeavor to communicate
everything of importance as it occurs, and await calmly the
development of the grand plot.

which I send is necessarily imperfect. It was impossible from
their positions to get the list of one or two regiments, and
the list of wounded and missing is certainly not so reliable as
might be desired. The men reported and missing"are
likely to come in, and a portion are only reported as wounded.
Our loss will not prove so heavy as we first supposed.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Feb. 25, 1864.


The Dictator, Captain Blakeman, a new, fast, comfortable
boat, leaves today for Hilton Head, with nearly two hundred and
fifty wounded men, who will be placed in general hospitals at
Hilton Head and Beaufort, Surgeon Craven, Medical Purveyor of
the department, has charge of the boat.


General Vogdes and staff arrived here yesterday. His
position is not announced; but it is supposed that he will take
charge of the defences of Jacksonville and also act as second
in command of the district.


Major T. B. Brooks, of General Gillmorestaff, has just
returned from an expedition up the St. Marys for lumber. He
went up from Fernandina on the 15th on the United States
transports John Adams, Harriet A. Weed, Island City, Beaufort
and Nelly Baker, with the mortar schooner Para, Captain Furbur.
Major Pennypack, with a detachment of three hundred men of the
Ninety-seventh Pennsylvania, Col. H. R. Guss commanding,
marched overland, and reached the lumber mills so unexpectedly
to the enemy that their pickets were unable to fire the
lumber, as they were ordered to do in case of an approach.
When the fleet arrived all hands went to work and loaded on the
vessels at Woodstock Mills and KingFerry Mills, over a half
million feet of superior yellow pine, well seasoned, and said
to be now worth in New York one hundred dollars per thousand.
A slight skirmish with rebel picket near the mill at Judge
Alburtis'was all the opposition met with. A large quantity of
lumber was left at KingFerry, as our force fell back before
they could load it, in consequence of the reports received from
the fight at Olustee .

Lieutenant Talcott acted as adjutant of the expeditionary
force. Mr. Wm. Alsop, United States Tax Commissioner, an old
practical lumberman, aided greatly in rafting down the lumber.


The formidable boom that had a year ago been placed across
the river by the rebels, to prevent an ascent of our naval
vessels, broke away in a late freshet and lodged on Amelia
Island, where its timbers are now being used by Capt. Lewis, of
the Volunteer Engineers, in the construction of Fort Clinch,


Major Stevens'cavalry battalion made a raid to Georgia a
few days since and destroyed a number of ferryboats at the main
ferries in this quarter of the country. Colonel Clinch, with a
regiment of rebel cavalry, was looking after him; but the
gallant Majormovements were too rapid, and his command,
after a long march, and after successfully accomplishing the
objects of the raid, safely returned.


Captain Marshall, with one company of picked men from the
Fortieth Massachusetts, started from Barberon the 15th, and
made a forced march on Gainesville. He surprised the enemy and
drove them from the town. He then took possession of the rebel
storehouse in the town, well stocked with supplies, and threw
them open to the poor, starving people of the town. They
flocked in from all sides and helped themselves to all the
provisions they could carry away. While this distribution was
going on, two rebel companies of cavalry attacked Captain
Marshalllittle command, which took a position in the main
street behind a slight barricade. There they received the
enemy, who rushed confidently on to capture our force. Our men
used the Spencer repeating rifle with deadly effect, and after
a short contest drove the enemy away in confusion. The rebels
lost forty horses and about that number of men, and were not
again seen. After holding the town for over fifty hours,
Captain Marshall destroyed the remainder of the rebel stores
and came safely in to Barbers. It was a most gallant and
successful affair.


The naval force in the river opposite Jacksonville consists
of the Pawnee, Commander George Balch, senior officer, the
Mohawk, Commander Creighton, the Ottawa, Lieutenant Commander
Bruse, and Norwich. All are well on board.


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Oscar G. Sawyer, The Florida Campaign, March 1, 1864, Civil War Era NC, accessed March 4, 2025,