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  • Collection: Prewar North Carolina

Letter of Zebulon B. Vance to William Dickson, December 11, 1860

Zebulon B. Vance

To William Dickson, December 11, 1860

"The Whole Southern mind is inflamed to the highest pitch and the leaders in the disunion move are scorning every suggestion of compromise and rushing everything with ruinous and indecent…

Letters on Female Character, Addressed to a Young Lady, on the Death of Her Mother by Virginia Randolph Cary, 1828

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Letters on a Female Character by Virginia Randolph Cary, published in 1828, praised the ideals of the domestic sphere. Women, according to Cary, should depend on a male protection. Citing scripture Cary states women was “formed from man”…


Lloyd Johnson, "Naval Stores"

Lloyd Johnson from Campbell University gives and overview of turpentine farming in “Naval Stores,” on the North Carolina History Project website. He indicates that Naval stores began in the early eighteenth century and lasted all the way…

Map of Slave Populations in North Carolina

A map showing the slave populations of North Carolinian counties as a percentage of slaves to non-slaves.

Map of the 1856 Presidential Election

1856 Presidential Election Map
This map illustrates the polarized character of the political parties in the 1856 presidential election. The Northern states voted predominantly for the anti-slavery Republican candidate, while the pro-slavery Democratic Party dominated in the South.…

North Carolina Map 1860's

Outline of North Carolina map form the 1860's. shows the counties who were unionist, and those who were sectionalist.

North Carolina Secession Flag

nc secession flag.jpg
The secession flag that was flown in NC, when it announced leaving the Union on May 20, 1861.

On the assault on Senator Sumner, June 6, 1856

The Northern papers are all condemning and denouncing Mr. Brooks for his assault on Senator Sumner, in the severest terms. We do not justify or excuse the mode and manner in which redress was taken for a supposed wrong. But, in censuring the attack,…

On the chastisement of Senator Sumner, May 26, 1856

The uppermost topic in the papers, North and South, now, is the recent chastisement of Senator Sumner, by Mr. Brooks, of South Carolina. -- As was expected, the affair has been a perfect Godsend to the Abolitionists, and they evidently intend to make…

Patrick Sowle, "The North Carolina Manumission Society, 1816-1834" (1965)

The Manumission Society of North Carolina was founded by slavery opponents, mostly Quakers. Its members formed an alliance to distribute written and verbal information about the evils of the institution and its effects on the state's economy and…