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- Collection: Wartime North Carolina
"An Arrest by the Rebels-The Contraband Troops-Re-enlistment of Veterans- items from the North Carolina Press," New York Times, January 13, 1864
From North Carolina.
An Arrest by the Rebels-The Contraband Troops- Re-enlistment of Veterans- items from the North Carolina Press.
Newbern, NC. Jan 7
The Second regiment of North Carolina Union volunteers is rapidly organizing. Its…
Tags: occupation
J. Wilkinson, "The Narrative of a Blockade Runner," 1877
After discharging our cargo of cotton and loading with supplies for the Confederate Government, chiefly for the army of Northern Virginia, we sailed for Wilmington in the latter part of the month of March. Our return voyage was uneventful, until we…
"Wilmington. The Attack on Fort Fisher," New York Times, December 30, 1864
WASHINGTON, Thursday, Dec. 29. The Secretary of the Navy received this afternoon the following by special messenger: NORTH ATLANTIC SQUADRON, U.S. FLAG SHIP MALVERN, AT SEA, OFF NEW INLET, Monday, Dec. 26, 1864. SIR: I was in hopes that I should…
Letter of Francis Marion Poteet to Martha Hendley Poteet, November 3, 1863
Letter of Francis Marion Poteet to Martha Hendley Poteet, November 22, 1863
F. M. Poteet to Martha Poteet] Kinston N. C. Nove 22the 1863 My Dear Wife and Children I seat my self this Blesed sabath morning to Rite you afew lines to let you now that I am only tolarabel well I hav got A very Bad Cold and A very Bad Cough My…
Diary of A Tar Heel Confederate Soldier, 1861-1865
October 14 - My corps of sharpshooters marched in front of the line. Left camp at 4 this morning, and at daylight, as General Ewell and staff rode up to us, there was a volley shot at us. We immediately deployed and after the enemy. We fought on a…
Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle, May 23, 1862
Camp Mangum, N.C. May 23rd, 1862 My Dear Wife: I received your letter a few minutes ago, and you can not imagine what joy it gave me. Oh how it raised my heart to read a few lines from one whom I know loves me and the little hair braid inside,…
Tags: Family
"The Land Attack on Wilmington - Defence and Fall of Fort Fisher," Charleston Mercury, January 18, 1865
THE LAND ATTACK ON WILMINGTON - DEFENCE AND FALL OF FORT FISHER Our community was much depressed yesterday by the news, which reaches here in the forenoon that Fort Fisher, the gate of the Cape Fear River, had succumbed to another tremendous…
Letter From William H. Thomas to Zebulon B. Vance, November 22, 1862
In the progress of the war men and circumstances change. At the commencement you were in Military I in Civil positions. Now my position is what your position was then. I find myself at the head of a Regment or Legion of Indians and Mountaineers,…
"Wilmington. Fort Fisher Carried by Assault," The New York Times, January 18, 1865
WASHINGTON, Tuesday, Jan. 17 -- 10:40 A.M. Maj.-Gen. J.A. Dix: The following official dispatches have just been received at this department: HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES FORCES ON FEDERAL POINT, N.C., Jan. 15, via FORTRESS MONROE, Jan.…
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Hinton Rowan Helper, 1829-1909
Hinton Rowan Helper (1829-1909), a bitter and staunch racist, was the author of one of the greatest and most influential books on antislavery of his…