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Letter from David L. Swain to Charles Manly, October 7, 1856

Letter from David L. Swain to [Charles Manly], October 7, 1856, Page 1

Chapel Hill, 7 Oct. 1856

My dear Sir,

Your note of the 4th by some oversight at the post-office did not reach me until late yesterday evening & this morning brought me that of the 6th with Judge Saunders's letter enclosed.

Hedrick has the…

Letter of Charles Manly to David L Swain, October 8, 1856

Letter from Charles Manly to David L. Swain, October 8, 1856, Page 1

RaleighOct. 8/56

My Dear Govr.,

I recd. yesterday your note & a copy of the Faculty's proceedings in relation to Profr. Hedrick . Upon consultation with containing 15 ½ closely written pages on the laxity of discipline in the College, how a…

Letter from Benjamin Sherwood Hedrick to Charles Manly, October 14, 1856

Letter from Benjamin S. Hedrick to Charles Manly, October 14, 1856, Page 1

Chapel Hill, Oct. 14, 1856

Dear Sir:

I am glad that the executive committee did not yield to a popular clamor and remove me from my situation here. For I believe that if I can have a full and fair hearing before the Trustees, the censure…

Letter from Charles Manly to David L. Swain, October 18, 1856

Letter from Charles Manly to David L. Swain, October 18, 1856, Page 1

Raleigh18 Oct 1856 My Dear Gov., I send you herewith a copy of minutes of Ex. Com. ofthis day. On the trial ofthe mpeachment, after all the Communications from the Faculty were read Gov. Bragg presented 4 papers of 30 mortal pages from "Sir Wm…

Letter of Benjamin Sherwood Hedrick to Mary Ellen Hedrick, October 22, 1856

Letter from Benjamin S. Hedrick to his wife Mary Ellen Hedrick, October, 22 1856, Page 1

Davidson County, N.C.
Oct. 22, 1856

My dear Wife,

It is now just dark, and I am at Adam's. I came to Lexington today on the freight train, and walked out here. Adam is going with me directly to take the cars at Lexington. I will go to…

Letter from Benjamin Sherwood Hedrick to Charles Manly, October 28, 1856

Letter from Benjamin S. Hedrick to Charles Manly, October 28, 1856, Page 1

Chapel HillOct. 28, 1856

Gov. Manly

Dear Sir,

Accompanying this I send you a letter which I wrote before visiting you in Raleigh. I believe I mentioned to you the fact that I had written it; certainly I mentioned it to some of the Board.…

Joseph Glatthaar, The March to the Sea and Beyond (1985)


Ever since Sherman and his army embarked upon their march to the coast of Georgia and, later, through the Carolinas, the two campaigns earned the dubious distinction as the most controversial of the Civil War and possibly in American military…

Proceedings of the Faculty, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, October 6, 1856

Proceedings of the Faculty Regarding Benjamin S. Hedrick's Actions, October 6, 1856, Page 1

Monday October 6th. 1856

The Faculty met under a summons from the President at 12 o'clock. A.M.

All the members were present.

The President stated to the Faculty, that in accordance with the course which he deemed his duty to pursue, with…

John Barrett, Sherman's March through the Carolinas (1956)


Sherman's movements through South and North Carolina were bold, imaginative strokes, masterfully executed. One historian has rightly characterized the Carolinas campaign as "a triumph of physical endurance and mechanical skill on the part of the army…

Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees Minutes, University Of North Carolina Chapel Hill, October 11, 1856

Minutes of the Executive Committee Resolutions Regarding Benjamin S. Hedrick's Actions, October 11, 1856, Page 1

RaleighOct 11, 1856

Executive Committee met.



His Excy. Gov. Bragg , Prest
J. H. Bryan
D. W. Courts
C. L. Hinton
Ch. Manly
B. F. Moore
R. M. Saunders

The Prest laid before the Committee a political essay…