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"The Legislature, April 7, 1871"

The General Assembly of the State adjourned on yesterday until the first Monday in November next. The merits of Legislative bodies are to be measured, as much by what they may have undone and omitted to do, as by what they many have done. Gauged by…

"The Excuses At Washington," Richmond Planet, November 19, 1898

Nov. 19th pg. 4.jpg

The lawless elements of the south seems to be in “full swing” at Washington. The advisers of the President have decided that in South Carolina, where many America citizens, both white and colored were killed during a…

Republican Party Platform of 1856, June 18, 1856


This Convention of Delegates, assembled in pursuance of a call addressed to the people of the United States, without regard to past political differences or divisions, who are opposed to the repeal of the Missouri Compromise; to the policy of the…

The Proposed Suffrage Amendment: The Platform and Resolutions of the People's Party, April 18, 1900


© This work is the property of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It may be used freely by individuals for research, teaching and personal use as long as this statement of availability is included in the text. THE PROPOSED…

"Let Us Reason Together," July 2, 1867

The_Old_North_State (5).jpg

Are those reasoning or reasonable men who expect, after a war of four years’ duration which entailed a debt of three thousand millions of dollars, which inflicted up on the union armies the loss of perhaps five hundred thousand lives and shook the…

"Registration for Reconstruction," April 11, 1867


If the convention shall vote that it is the wish of the people to frame a constitution they shall proceed to frame the instrument which is then to be submitted to the registered voters for their adoption, the original registering officers still to…

"Peace of Radical Reconstruction," March 14, 1867


The New York Times draws the following truthful sketch of the peace brought by such reconstruction as it yet aids to thrust upon the south:
“Tennessee -- If any ex-Confederate State is to be subjected to military law it certainly ought to be…

"Holden's Record!," 1861

Holden's Record


Mr. Holden before he was a candidate, and Mr. Holden now.

The following extracts from the Raleigh Standard will show the position Mr. Holden has occupied for the last ten years, and the change which has come over him, now that…

The North Carolina Whig, Proclamation on Northern Blacks, November 18, 1862

Specific -- proclamation on nothern slaves 1862-11-18.jpg

A negro proposes that President Davis should-retaliate upon Lincoln’s proclamation, by declaring all the Northern negroes slaves after the first of January next.

"The Assembly of 1899-1900" Raleigh, 1899-1900

In a sweeping victory, the Democrats won 93 out of 118 seats in the North Carolina General Assembly in the 1898 election. They campaigned heavily on the rhetoric of White Supremacy, promising to redeem the state from "negro domination." With an…