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  • Tags: reconstruction

Diary of Catherine Ann Devereux Edmondston, January 4 1866


We went to bed last night congratulating ourselves that at length we had begun to taste some of the immunities of Free negroism. The negro contracts were all signed by them & witnessed & they seemed not only contented butthankfulfor them.…

Alfred Townsend, Lowery as A Brigand Leader, The Swamp Outlaws, 1872


"What is the meaning of this?" said I to "Parson" Sinclair—the fighting parson of Lumberton—"How can this fellow, with a handful of boys and illiterate men, put to flight a society only recently used to warfare and full of accomplished

Henry Berry Lowery, The Swamp Outlaw by Alfred Townshed, 1872


Henry Berry Lowery, the leader of the most formidable band of outlaws, considering the smallness of its numbers, that has been known in this country, is of mixed Tuscarera, mulatto and white blood, twenty-six years of age, five feet nine inches high…

The Scare on the Road, The Swamp Outlaw by Alfred Townshed, 1872



An instance of the deep sense of apprehension created by these bandits in all southeastern Carolina is afforded by a dream which Colonel W. H. Barnard, editor of the Wilmington Star, related to me. The Colonel's paper is…

Report of the Joint Select Committee to Inquire into the Condition of Affairs in the Late Insurrectionary States, Testimony of Giles Leitch, July 31, 1871


GILES LEITCH sworn and examined.

The Chairman, (Mr. Pool.) As this witness was called at the instance of the minority of this committee, Mr. Blair will please commence his examination.

By Mr. Blair:
Question. Where do you reside?

Answer: I…

Rev. J. A. Whitehead, D.D., A History of Negro Baptists of North Carolina (1908)

In North Carolina after the bloodiest war in our nation’s history, the hardest task laid ahead. That task would be reconstructing a country that had been ripped apart by war. One of the key components during the reconstruction era was the…