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Race, War, and Remembrance in the Appalachian South

Recounts the the role of the Southern Appalachian's in the years leading up to, during, and following the Civil War. Inscoe understands that the Appalachians are a unique place and often times their thoughts and ideas differed from many other…

A letter written from John Futch to his wife Martha


Dear wife,

I recvd a letter from you the 5 of this Inst stating you all was well which I was glad to hear. I can say to you that I am well at to sore feet and cold which I hope theas few lines may com safe to hand and find you all well and harty.…

John G. Lea's confession to the Ku Klux Klan murder of John W. Stephens, July 2, 1919

At the request of the North Carolina Historical Commission, I have written the true story of the events of the Reconstruction Period in this State, which centered mainly at Yanceyville in Caswell County, where the killing of the notorious, John W.…

Letter of John Garibaldi to His Wife, September 3, 1863

Camp Stonewall Brigade September 3, 1863 Dear Wife I received your letter of the 8 of August last from which I understood with great pleasure that you and the rest of the family were all well, but sorrow to hear that you had been sick. This…

Amnesty Petition of John N. Maffitt, June 1, 1867 Maffitt p1.jpg
After resigning his commission in the US Navy, J.N. Maffitt took a commission in the Confederate Navy and served as the commander of the privateer Florida. Maffitt explains that he never waged war on the United States, yet insists that he treated all…

The Declaration of Independence of North Carolina, May 11, 1861

A Declaration of Independence written by the North Carolina Senate.

Letter from John T Bourne to John White

John White, Esq., London

Dear Sir, --I have the pleasure to inform you of the safe arrival this day of the str. "Advance" from Wilmington.
The cargo consists of Five Hundred Bales of Cotton which I would suggest you insure against fire while now…

Letter from John T Bourne to Fraser, Trenholm & Co, Liverpool

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Fraser, Trenholm & Co. Liverpool

Dear Sirs:--Capt Hora having succeeded after some delay in obtaining a Wilmington Pilot, the "Thistle" left here yesterday for Wilmington with about 100 Tons of Freight. He put on shore to be sent to England by the…

William Crouse

“The Declaration of Independence” by John Trumbull is a very interesting primary source as it can symbolize significant things that are important to a historian. Upon first noting this painting where it sits now in the national Rotunda, it…

Ashton Wassack

declaration of independence signing.jpg
I was inspired to pursue my passion of history during high school, when I took my first U.S history class. At the beginning, I was not very interested in history. I just assumed the class would be like any other history class I had taken, and I would…
