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Albion Tourgée on African Americans not being able to testify in court in A Fool's Errand, 1879

”It was for the discussion of questions thus arising that the meeting we have now in hand was called. The great subject of contention between the opposing factions was as to whether the recently freed people ought to be allowed to testify in…

Albion Tourgée on African Americans not being granted even the most minimal rights in A Fool's Errand, 1879

So it must havebeen well understood by the wise men who devised this short-sighted plan ofelecting a President beyond a peradventure of defeat, that they were giving thepower of the re-organized, subordinate republics, into the hands of a…

Albion Tourgée on restricted voting for African Americans in A Fool's Errand, 1879

ANTE BELLUM. NORTHERN IDEA OF SLAVERY: Slavery is wrong morally, politically, and economically. It is tolerated only for the sake of peace and quiet. The negro is a man, and has equal inherent rights with the white race SOUTHERN IDEA OF SLAVERY: The…

Albion Tourgée on privileges of rights depended on how African Americans used them in A Fool's Errand, 1879

“MY DEARCOLONEL,--Your letter of recent date is received, and I have duly consideredits contents. The state of affairs which you picture is undoubtedly mostdistressing and discouraging; but I can not see how it can be improved by anyaction of…

Albion Tourgée on the subserviance of African Americans and their lack of influence in A Fool's Errand, 1879

THE Fool's neighbors having read his letter to the Wise Man, as published in thegreat journal in which it appeared, were greatly incensed thereat, andimmediately convened a public meeting for the purpose of taking action inregard to the same. At this…

Albion Tourgée on the religiously divine nature of slavery in A Fool's Errand, 1879

"I have a curiosity to read them. I have heard so much about them, and never saw them before. You may not be aware, madam, that they were regarded as 'seditious publications' before the war; so that one could only get to read them at considerable…

"Amendment Good For All Parties," Raleigh News and Observer, February 2, 1900

Amendment Good For All Parties.pdf

Amendment Good For All Parties. Twelve Conclusive Reasons Why Democrats, Populists, Republicans and Negroes should Support the Amendment. Below we sum up twelve reasons why the members of every party ought to support the Constitutional…

Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle April 13, 1862


The following letter was printed in the April 13, 1863, issue of the Spirit of the Age.

Deteriorating Influences of War. No. I

This important topic justly claims the attention of all good men and women; for it has a direct bearing upon the…


Kelsey Griffin, "The Memory of the Civil War is Hard to Shake," April 29, 2012

Although I have lived in the South most of my life, I did not realize that there were any current debates over what caused the Civil War. What I have come to learn is that there are misinterpretations about the Civil War era that still exist today. …