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Effects of the Proclamation, Freed Negroes Coming Into Our Lines at New Bern, North Carolina, February 21, 1863

Effects of the Proclamation, Freed Negroes Coming into Our Lines at New Bern, North Carolina.jpg
“Effects of the Proclamation, Freed Negroes Coming Into Our Lines at New Bern, North Carolina,” was an illustration that appeared in Harper’s Weekly on February 21, 1863. In the spring of 1862, General Ambrose Burnside led an…

Edward W. Clay, "An Amalgamation Waltz", n.d

This cartoon plays on the fear that Whites had towards African Americans. As pictured, free African Americans are dancing with white women, replacing the white male populace. Targeted at Southerners, many feared the abolition of slavery and its…

Edward Stanly to Zebulon Baird Vance, October 21, 1862

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From Ed. StanlyNew Bern No. Ca. October 21, 1862 The strong affection which I have inherited & cherish for the people of my native State, has induced me to come here, by request of the President of the United States. Nations like individuals,…

Edgar Folk and Bynum Shaw, W. W. Holden, (1982)

When Holdne took office as provisional governor of North Carolina in June, 1865, the task he faced would have dismayed a less energetic man. Government in the state was utterly disorganized; all offices were vacant. The state was without money and…


Ebenezer Emmons, Map of the Deep River Coal Field, 1856

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This map depicts the geology in the Deep River Valley where Endor was located. It show the vein of coal along the Deep River. According to this map, the vein cut right across underneath the property.


Drew Gilpin Faust, The Creation of Confederate Nationalism:  Ideology and Identity in the Civil War South (1988)

Confederate Nationalism.jpg

Curiously, historians have tended to understate the importance of slavery within southern consciousness during the war. In part, this may be because in postbellum decades many southerners themselves disavowed slavery as a major cause of the…

Drew Gilpin Faust, Mothers of Invention (1996)


Catherine Edmondston worried about the vehemence of her secessionist views because of the divisions they were causing in her own family. Before Lincoln’s call for troops in April 1861, Edmondston’s parents and sister remained staunch…


Drawing of hanging (1970-80)


"They hung my son by the limb of a tree"

Drawing of a Civil War deserter being hanged from a tree.

Dix-Hill Cartel

July 22, 1862
The undersigned having been commissioned by the authorities they respectively represent to make arrangements for a general exchange of prisoners of war have agreed to the following…

Discharged North Carolina Black Soldier to the Freedmen's Bureau Claim Agent at Baltimore, Maryland, December 1870

East Newmarket Dorchester Co Md {December 1870}

Dear Sir

I Receved yore kind letter Concerning my Discharge in 1861 the manspation had not taken place but I was in the protection By the youion Troops an Sat free by Presadence Lincon at…