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The Reconstruction of White Southern Womanhood 1865-1895
Although the imagery of belledom looms especially large in writings about the Antebellum South, the actual ideal for women even then had been much more complex and divided. Through the early part of the nineteenth century, the celebration of the…
Tags: Postwar era, the South, Womanhood
The New Military Bill
The Lowry History – Genealogy - Mary Norment
James Lowrie, a tall well-proportioned, fine looking, respectable Indian first settled in Robeson county about the year 1769. This was Bladen county at that time. On the 9th of August, 1769, James Lowrie bought a tract of land containing one hundred…
The House Joint Resolution proposing the 15th amendment to the Constitution, December 7, 1868
Fortieth Congress of the United States of America;
At the third Session, Begun and held at the city of Washington, on Monday, the seventh day of December, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight.
A Resolution Proposing an amendment to the…
The House Joint Resolution proposing the 14th amendment to the Constitution, June 16, 1866
Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall…
Tags: National Government
The Heart of Confederate Appalachia
That message may indeed have served as a deterrent for at least some North Carolina soldiers. John W. Reese, a poor Buncombe County farmer who was not among those who abandoned the 60th Regiment, for example, told his wife, who was urging him to come…
Tags: Desertion Confederacy
The Florida Campaign, March 1, 1864
Details of the Operations of the Union Troops Under General
Seymour. The March to and Battle of Olustee .
Mr. Oscar G. SawyerDespatches.
CAMP FINEGAN, Florida, Feb. 23, 1864.
Tags: Battle Description, Soldiers
The Fighting in Florida, March 7, 1864
THE FIGHTING IN FLORIDA. The Savannah papers of Saturday furnish us with some additional and very interesting accounts of the progress and details of the fighting in Florida. The Republicanaccount says: THE RECENT SKIRMISH - THE ENEMY DRIVEN BACK. An…
Tags: Battle Description, Freedpeople, Soldiers
The Declaration of Insurrection in the Impeachment Trial of Governor William Wood Holden, March 7, 1870
Executive Department, Raleigh, March 7th, 1870. By virtue of authority vested in me by the constitution of the state, and by virtue of an act passed at the present session of the general assembly, entitled “An act to secure the better…
The Declaration of Independence of North Carolina, May 11, 1861
Tags: Prewar North Carolina
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Hinton Rowan Helper, 1829-1909
Hinton Rowan Helper (1829-1909), a bitter and staunch racist, was the author of one of the greatest and most influential books on antislavery of his…