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1856 Democratic Presidential Campaign Poster
Amnesty Petition of Peterson Dunn, June 30, 1865
To his Excellency Andrew Johnson, President of the United States
For I respectfully ask for amnesty and pardon according to the provision of your proclamation of the 29th of May under the following statement of facts. I am a citizen of the County…
Jonathan T. Dorris, Pardon and Amnesty Under Lincoln and Johnson: the Restoration of the Confederates to their Rights and Privaleges, 1883-1898 (1953)
The special consideration that President Johnson gave North Carolina in his program of reconstruction deserves notice. He was doubtless influenced by the manifestations there of loyalty to the Union during the war, and by the fact that he had many…
Amnesty Petition of George Davis, November 22, 1865
In Prison, Fort LaFayette, Nov. 22, 1865
His Excellency,
Andrew Johnson,
President of the United States
Desiring and intending on good faith to accept and abide by all the results of the late unhappy contest. I now respectfully…
Tags: Amnesty, National Government
Letter from David L. Swain to Charles Manly, October 7, 1856
Chapel Hill, 7 Oct. 1856
My dear Sir,
Your note of the 4th by some oversight at the post-office did not reach me until late yesterday evening & this morning brought me that of the 6th with Judge Saunders's letter enclosed.
Hedrick has the…
Account of David Porter, ca. 1865
The day of General Sherman's arrival at City Point, I accompanied him and General Grant on board the President's flagship, the Queen, where the President received us in the upper saloon, no one but ourselves being present.
The President was in an…
David Anderson & Co., "Eagle Foundry," Fayetteville Observer, March 23, 1863
Tags: Economy
The Chowan River Basin
Satellite imagery mosaic of the Chowan River Basin.
Tags: Chowan River, image, satellite
From North Carolina Slaves to Union Soldiers
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Voter Registration Card from Alamance County, 1902

This voter registration card was created after the Democrat-controlled North Carolina General Assembly passed a Suffrage Amendment in 1900. The…