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  • Tags: Education

Rev. J. A. Whitehead, D.D., A History of Negro Baptists of North Carolina (1908)

In North Carolina after the bloodiest war in our nation’s history, the hardest task laid ahead. That task would be reconstructing a country that had been ripped apart by war. One of the key components during the reconstruction era was the…

James' Plantation Freedmen's School, ca. October 1868

Southern states, including North Carolina, had prohibited teaching slaves to read and write prior to the Civil War. With emancipation, former slaves clamored for schools. With the assistance of the Freedmen's Bureau and northern organizations, like…

"The Freedmen's Schools," Harper's Weekly, October 3, 1868


THE FREEDMEN'S SCHOOLS. When the North gave freedom to the slaves of the South it saw the necessity of giving them also the education which was necessary to their proper appreciation and employment of their liberty. The people of the North saw, too,…

Amnesty Petition of Samuel S. Gregory, August 22, 1865

Page 4 Amnesty.jpg

His Excellency
Andrew Johnson
President of the United States

Your petitioner Saml S. Gregory a native and resident of Sampson County, and the State of North Carolina, respectfully [showeth?] unto your Excellency, that he received an appointment…