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- Tags: Soldiers
Scalping of Union Soldiers
This engraving reproduced in "The Adventures of Daniel Ellis the Union Guide" in 1867 was designed by Ellis to show his contempt of Thomas' Indians. William W. Stringfield and James W. Terrell differed on the frequency of scalping incidents by the…
Tags: Native Americans, scalping, Soldiers
“Two Years with a Colored Regiment: A Woman’s Experience," 1898
Reminiscences of our civil war have been given to the public image again and again, and our most able men have recited the details of the great battles and stirring events. But there are few records of the experiences of women in that war. This…
Tags: Enlistment, Freedpeople, Slavery/Slaves, Soldiers
General Ambrose E. Burnside to the Secretary of War, March 21, 1862
Newbern {N.C.} Mch 21 /62 I have the honor of reporting the following movements in my department since my hurrid report of the 16” inst- The detailed report of the Engagement on the 14” is not yet finished, but I hope will be ready to…
Tags: Enlistment, Freedpeople, Slavery/Slaves, Soldiers
Letter from George E. Stephens to the New York Weekly Anglo-African, March 6, 1864
Outpost or Camp, in the Field,
Near Jacksonville, Fla.,
March 6, 1864.
Mr. Editor: Actions and arduous duties since the 5th ult., the time of the sailing of the present expedition from Hilton Head, have caused the apparently studied silence on…
Tags: Enlistment, Freedpeople, Slavery/Slaves, Soldiers
J.M. Hollowell, "Coming of the Yankees" (1939)
Since I stopped writing of my early recollections of Goldsboro, I have been asked by some of the young folks why I did not tell more about the Yankee army coming to Goldsboro in 1865, and what they did,…
North Carolina Slaveholder to the Commander of the Department of North Carolina, October 8, 1862
Beaufort NC Oct 8th /62
Prompted by the necessity of the case, I have to make on you a requisition quite unpleasant- For the last two months I have supported my Family by the hire of two carpenters. They a few days ago refused to be hired & have…
Tags: Freedpeople, slavery, Slaves, Soldiers
Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle, October 8, 1862
Camp French, near Petersburg, Va, Oct 8th 1862 My Dear wife: I take the pleasure of dropping you a few lines, informing you that I am well at present. We landed at Petersburg last Saturday, but I was detailed to stay with the baggage and did…
Tags: Camp Life, Death/Casualties, Soldiers
Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Mrs. Wise, July 17, 1863
The following letter was found in the Peter Mull Collection, North Carolina Department of Archives and History, Raleigh, North Carolina.
Bunker’s Hill, Va.
July 17th, 1863.
Mrs. Wise:
It becomes my painful duty to inform you of the…
Tags: Death/Casualties, Soldiers
Letter of Joseph J. Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle, September 28, 1863
Near Rapidan Station Va.
Sept. 28th 1863.
My Dear wife:
This will inform you that I am about well again, and I hope it may find you well. The weather is cold up here now, and we have frost plenty, and…
Letter of Joseph Hoyle to Sarah Hoyle, February 15, 1864
Near Orange C.H. Va.,
Feb, 15th, 1864
Dear Sarah,
I must tell you about us all re-enlisting for the war last Saturday. The whole Brigade was ordered out and General Davis gave us a stirring speech upon the subject. Our Regt. Seemed somewhat…
Tags: Enlistment, Soldiers
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D. H. Hill, 1859-1924
Daniel Harvey (D. H.) Hill (1859-1924), the son of Confederate general D. H. Hill, was an important figure in the commemoration of the Civil War and…