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  • Tags: claims

Petition of Joseph Etheridge

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Joseph Etheridge's petition to the Southern Claims Commission, listing what he claims was taken by Union foraging parties and his valuation of those goods. His claim was rejected for several reasons, including his ownership of several farms and…

Calvin Hoggard's letter to the Southern Claims Commission

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The last page of Calvin Hoggard's claim, this page contains a letter by Mr. Hoggard to the Commission explaining his circumstances. Most interestingly, he claims to have been a Union soldier in the 2nd Regiment, even though claim was disallowed. This…

Southern Claims Commission Chart 2 Barred and Disallowed

A chart showing all of the barred and disallowed claims for the Chowan River Basin.

Southern Claims Commission Testimony for George Bond, Deposition of Joshua T. Stacy

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Page 18 of George Bond's claim to the Southern Claims Comission, in which Joshua T. Stacy discusses Mr. Bond's unionism.

Southern Claims Commission remarks on the claim of Ellerton Newberne.

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Claim of Ellerton Newberne, listing his siezed schooner, impressed into rebel service to ferry supplies. It also discusses his leaving Bertie county due to harassment.

Robert G. Mitchell's claim Witness Form

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Page Five of Robert G. Mitchell's rejected claim to the Southern Claim's Commission. This page is the form listing the names and residences of the witnesses he can bring to prove his loyalty.

Ely Williamson claim remarks

Remarks by the Claims Commissioner on the claim of Mr. Williamson, which says that he was a freedman before the war