Diary of Catherine Edmondston, April 11, 1865
Original Format
And now, old friend, you my Journal, for a time good bye! You are too bulky to be kept out, exposed to prying Yankee eyes and thievish Yankee fingers. You go for a season to darkness and solitude and my record must henceforth be kept on scraps of paper, backs of letters, or old memorandum books which I can secrete. Think how Sheridan’s bumming officers would seize upon the “Journal of a Secesh Lady- a complete record of a daily life spent in the Southern Confederacy from July 1860 to April 65” and how I would feel thus dragged from the recesses of private life and for aught I know published for the amusement of a censorious, curious, and critical public?
No, old friend, we must part. I trust you to Owen’s fidelity, hoping the time may yet come when I can withdraw you from your retreat and finish you with a triumphant announcement of Peace and Independence! So once more, Good bye!
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