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"Slaves and Free Persons of Color. An Act Concerning Slaves and Free Persons of Color," North Carolina Revised Code No. 105, 1855


"Slaves and Free Persons of Color. An Act Concerning Slaves and Free Persons of Color," North Carolina Revised Code No. 105, 1855


In 1855, the North Carolina Genral Assembly enacted Revised Code No. 105 detailing the treatment of slaves and free people of color. It describes the legal procedures and penalties for escaped slaves, importing slaves and free people from out-of-state, slave insurrections, and other criminal offences. It contains the proecedures and fees to emancipate slaves and to enslave free people by their own choice. The duties of slaveownerss, the courts, county and municiple police, and other fficers of the court are also included.


North Carolina General Assembly


"Slaves and Free Persons of Color. An Act Concerning Slaves and Free Persons of Color," Documenting the American South, University of North Carolina, accessed April 22, 2012,






North Carolina


Any inhabitant of this State desirous to emancipate any slave or slaves, shall file a petition, in writing in some one of the Superior Courts of this State, setting forth, as near as may be, the name, sex, and age of each slave intended to be emancipated, and praying permission to to emancipate the same; and the court before whom such petition shall be filed, shall grant the prayer thereof on the following conditions, and not otherwise, viz. That the petitioner shall shew that he has given public notice of his intention to file such petition at the court house of the county, and in the State Gazette, for at least six weeks before the hearing of such petition; and that the petitioner shall enter into bond with two securities, each to be good and sufficient, payable to the State of North Carolina, in the sum of one thousand dollars for each slave named in the petition, conditioned that the said slave or slaves shall honestly and correctly demean him, her or themselves, while he, she or they shall remain within the State of North Carolina, and that he, she or they will, within ninety days after granting the prayer of the petitioner to emancipate him, her or them, leave the State of North Carolina, and never afterwards come within the same: Provided nevertheless, That no such emancipation shall in any manner whatever invalidate or affect the rights or claims of any creditor of such petitioner.


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North Carolina General Assembly, "Slaves and Free Persons of Color. An Act Concerning Slaves and Free Persons of Color," North Carolina Revised Code No. 105, 1855, Civil War Era NC, accessed March 10, 2025,